четверг, 28 июля 2022 г.

Hello, Please get in touch with me.


How are you and family?

Sorry for intruding into your privacy. I am Ottoman Musa from Monvoria, Liberia. I would want to discuss  very vital business that will be beneficial to both of us and building genuine business relationship in the future. Kindly get in touch with me.

Waiting for your urgent reply

Thank you
Ottoman Musa

пятница, 22 июля 2022 г.

brandondoegelatin.brandondoegelatin, For security reasons, Your Sign-in has changed , Please verify

2-Step Verification is on for your account
For Security reasons, we have upgraded to 2-Step verification on your account. you’ll complete a second step on your phone or Email. Keep your phone nearby and your Email account open to complete verification and protection from email theft.
Why is my sign-in changing?
Using a second step to sign in makes your account much more secure.
Learn how this protects your account

How does it work?
After you enter your password, you’ll tap a blogger.com prompt on your phone or get a sign-in code to enter.
Update your phone and recovery email