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Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014 Report

Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014
Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects

Publication date: 14 Octob er 2015
Number of Pages: 154

The Internet of Things (IoT) sector is a highly fragmented and new dynamic market space with no one company dominating. The concept is set for accelerated growth in 2014 as more businesses realize its potential uses and the positive impact it can have on a various vertical industries. The concept encompasses M2M, Connected Home, Connected Cars and consumer devices. The Internet of Things market has already gained momentum with increasing adoption, offering a wide variety of uses and portfolio of applications, which is expanding sizeably. The main attraction offered by Internet of Things is its potential to change strategy and a plethora of a new products and service possibilities.

With the ever increasing number of connected devices, and with the potential of smart objects will transform and revolutionize multiple vertical sectors on how to operate in a connected things ecosystem. Coupled with the proliferation of electronic devices that already exist amongst consumers homes and businesses, all of which can be transformed via the use of IoT technologies and the stage is set for IoT to become ubiquitous.

Visiongain believes that 2014 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for Internet of Things as companies address increasing demands from both consumers and enterprises for full-time connectivity and the government initiatives that support greater mobile connectivity. As a consequence, visiongain expects global Internet of Things revenue to reach $756.8 billion in 2014.

Why you should buy the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine ( M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects.
What is the competitive landscape within the Internet of Things market space? The report contains 66 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developing trends within the Internet of Things market and the leading players in the industry according to revenue and market share. Visiongain provides forecasts for the period 2014-2019 in terms of value (US$) for the global Internet of Things market, as well as competitor positioning of the top 20 companies in the Internet of Things ecosystem and illustrates key developments in the vendor landscape.

This new report from visiongain is a completely fresh market assessment of the Internet of Things market sector based upon the latest information. The report contains completely new company profiling, original analysis, expanded company profiles and, most crucially, fresh conclusions.

Discover Information found no where else in this independent assessment of the Internet of Things market
The Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects report provides impartial Internet of Things sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors.

With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individua l business decisions and your company's prospects.

What makes this report unique?
Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global market forecasts for 2104-2019, and IoT top 20 companies revenue and market share analysis for 2014.

How the Top 20 Internet of Things (IoT) Companies 2014: Leaders in Wireless Machine to Machine (M2M) Connectivity, Enterprise & Consumer Connected Devices & Objects report can benefit you
Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the Internet of Things market. You will discover top 20 competitor revenues and market share breakdown, market forecasts, technological trends, pr edictions providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
1.1 Internet of Things Market Set for Explosive Growth
1.2 Benefits Derived from Internet of Things
1.3 Internet of Things Growth Drivers< br>1.4 LTE and IoT Uptake
1.5 Aim of the Report
1.6 Structure of the Report
1.7 Report Scope
1.8 Highlights in the report include:
1.9 Who is This Report For?
1.10 Questions Answered by this Report
1.11 Benefits of This Report
1.12 Methodology

2. Introduction to the Internet of Things Market
2.1 What Defines the Internet of Things?
2.2 M2M Technology is the Backbone behind the Massive Potential in the Internet of Things Market
2.2.1 M2M History and Recent Developments
2.3 A Range of Benefits Derived From Internet of Things
2.4 IoT Applications by Industry
2.5 Cloud to Play Pivotal Role in the Internet of Things Industry Boom
2.6 Big-Data to Explode With the Rise in Internet of Things Market
2.7 Growth in the Wireless Sector

3. Global Internet of Things Market Forecasts
3.1 Market Definition
3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019
3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 201 4-2019

4. Competitor Positioning in the Internet of Things Market
4.1 Leading 20 Company Revenues in the Internet of Things Market
4.2 Composition of the Internet of Things Market in 2014

5. Leading 20 Companies in the Internet of Things Market
5.1 IBM Company Overview
5.2 Samsung Company Overview
5.3 GE Company Overview
5.4 AT&T Company Overview
5.5 Microsoft Company Overview
5.5.1 Retail
5.5.2 Healthcare
5.5.3 Automotive
5.5.4 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems
5.6 Google Company Overview
5.7 Apple Company Overview
5.8 Cisco Systems Company Overview
5.9 Vodafone Company Overview
5.10 Bosch Company Overview
5.11 Oracle Company Overview
5.12 Intel Corporation Company Overview
5.12.1 Intel M2M Offerings
5.13 Ericsson Company Overview
5.14 Qualcomm Company Overview
5.15 Amazon Company Overview
5.16 FreeScale Company Overview
5.17 Texas Instruments Company Overview
5.18 PTC Compa ny Overview
5.19 Salesforce Solutions Company Overview
5.20 ARM Company Overview
5.21 Additional Players in the Internet of Things Market Ecosystem

6. SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market
6.1 Strengths
6.1.1 Cost savings
6.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams
6.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly
6.2 Weaknesses
6.2.1 IoT Solutions Can Be Expensive
6.2.2 Technical Problems
6.2.3 Limited 3G Infrastructure
6.2.4 Limited Awareness
6.3 Opportunities
6.3.1 IoT Gaining Popularity
6.3.2 Enhanced Market Segmentation
6.3.3 IoT can be Expanded to Any Vertical
6.4 Threats
6.4.1 Security Concerns
6.4.2 Highly Fragmented Market Place
6.4.3 Unclear Business Models

7. Internet of Things Technical Ecosystem Analysis
7.1 Network Concerns for M2M
7.1.1 Requirements to Solve M2M Deployment Issues Data Security a Big Concern for Internet of Things Adoption GPRS / SMS / CDMA / LTE7.1.1.3 Two-Way Communication Support for More than One Communication Type Ensuring Minimum Downtime Cost Effective Utilising the Right Toolsets Optimised Billing
7.2 Business Case for IoT
7.2.1 Smart Services for IoT Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs
7.3 IoT in the Future
7.3.1 System Awareness
7.3.2 Business Case for System Awareness
7.3.3 M2M Platform Requirements and Opportunities
7.3.4 Internet of Things in the LTE Era Switching from GSM to LTE Impact of Switch from GSM to LTE on M2M
7.3.5 Internet Protocol Version 6 – IPv6 Potential Impact of IPv6 on IoT Successful IoT Migration to IPv6 IPv6 to Benefit IoT
7.4 IoT Standards and Standards Bodies

8. Conclusions
8.1 Internet of Things Market Drivers
8.1.1 Network Coverage
8.1.2 Telematics and Telemetry Increasing Efficiency
8.1.3 Service Providers Need t o Expand Offerings
8.1.4 Telematics Initiatives
8.1.5 IPv6 Will Increase IoT Opportunities
8.1.6 M2M Creating Scope for Development of New Applications
8.2 Internet of Things Market Restraints
8.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain
8.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards
8.2.3 Marketing Challenges
8.2.4 Roaming
8.2.5 Security Concerns
8.3 Opportunities with the Internet of Things
8.3.1 E-health
8.3.2 Smart Grid
8.3.3 Connected Appliances
8.3.4 Connected Home
8.4 Way Forward
8.4.1 Increase in M2M Partnerships
8.4.2 Standardisation
8.4.3 Measuring Data
8.4.4 New Business Models

9. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 2.1 IoT Applications by Industry
Table 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 3.2 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2019 (billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative)
Table 4.1 Leading 20 Internet of Things Companies 2014 (Market Ranking, Total Revenue, IoT Revenue, Market Share %)
Table 5.1 IBM Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.2 IBM Adept Performance Management Solution Focus Areas
Table 5.3 Samsung Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.4 GE Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.5 AT&T Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.6 Microsoft Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.7 Windows Embedded Product Portfolio
Table 5.8 Google Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.9 Apple Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.10 Cisco Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.11 Vodafone Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Website)
Table 5.12 Key Features and Benefits of Vodafone's M2M Solution
Table 5.13 Bosch Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Website)
Table 5.14 Oracle Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.15 Intel Technologies Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Contact, Website)
Table 5.16 Key Features and Benefits of Various Intel IoT Offerings and Intel/McAfee security products for IoT
Table 5.17 Ericsson Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue f rom Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.18 Qualcomm Institute Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.19 Qualcomm 4-Stream VIVE Home Network Solution Technical Specifications
Table 5.20 Amazon Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.21 Amazon Kinesis Pricing by Region
Table 5.22 FreeScale Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.23 Texas Instruments Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Contact, Website)
Table 5.24 PT C Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.25 Salesforce Solutions Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Website)
Table 5.26 ARM Company Overview 2014 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website)
Table 5.27 Other Leading Companies in the IoT Ecosystem 2014 (Company, Product /Service)
Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Internet of Things Market 2014
Table 7.1 IoT Standards Bodies
Table 8.1 IoT Industry and Sector Opportunities

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Global Internet of Things Market Definition Flowchart
Figure 3.2 Global Internet of Things Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR%)
Figure 3.3 Global Internet of Things Connections Forecast 2014-2019 (billion, AGR%)
Figure 4.1 Leading 20 Internet of Things Companies Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 4.2 Leading 20 Internet of Things Company Revenues Vs Rest of the IoT Market 2014 ($ bn % Market Share)
Figure 5.1 IBM Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.2 IBM MessageSight System
Figure 5.3 Samsung Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.4 GE Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.5 AT&T Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.6 Microsoft Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.7 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems
Figure 5.8 Google Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.9 Apple Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.10 Cisco Systems Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.11 Vodafone Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.12 Bosch Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.13 Oracle Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.14 Intel Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.15 Framework of Intel's Internet of Things Solution
Figure 5.16 Ericsson Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.17 Qualcomm Institute Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.18 Amazon Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.19 FreeScale Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.20 Texas Instruments Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.21 PTC Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.22 Salesforce Inte rnet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 5.23 ARM Internet of Things Market Share 2014 (%)
Figure 7.1 OEM Revenues from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%)
Figure 7.2 OEM Margin Contributions from Services vs. Other Revenues 2014 (%)
Figure 7.3 Smart Service Business Plan for OEMs
Figure 7.4 M2M Benefits

Companies Mentioned in this report

7 Layers
Aeris Communications
Alien Technology
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
America Movil
Andressen Horowitz
Atos Origin SA
Augusta Systems
Axeda Corporation
Berkeley Varitronics Systems
Best Buy
Boston Dynamics
Connect One
Connected Development
Deutsche Telekom
Digi International
Dust Networks
Everything Everywhere
Feeney Wireless
Ford Motor Company
Freescale Semiconductor inc.
General Electric (GE)
General Motors
Honeywell International
Hughes Telematics
ILS Technology
iMetrik Solutions
Intel Corporation
Iridium Communications
Janus Remote Communications
Jasper Wireless
Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byer
K ORE Telematics
Laird Technologies
M2M Communications
M2M DataSmart
Microchip Technology
Millenial Net
Nest Labs
Nokia Solutions & Networks
Norwest Venture Partners
Novatel Wireless
Numerex Corp
Omnilink Systems
Palantiri Systems
Pedigree Technologies
Perle Systems
Precidia Technologies
Qualcomm Life Inc.
Raco Wireless
Red Bend Software
RF Code Inc.
RF Monolithics
Rogers Communications
Savi Technology
SENA Technologies
Sierra Wireless
Sigma Designs
SIMcom Wireless Solutions
Sprint< br>Sprint Nextel
Synchronoss Technologies
Telefonica UK
Telekom Austria
Telenor ASA
Telenor Connexion
Telenor Objects
Telia Sonera
Telit Wireless Solutions
TELUS Mobility
Tendril Networks
Texas Instruments
Verizon Wireless
WebTech Wireless
Wilson Electronics
Wyless Group
Xact Technology

Organisations Mentioned in This Report
AllSeen Alliance
EPC Global
European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Home Gateway Initiative (HGI)
Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
International Standards Organization (ISO)
Open Interconnect Consortium
Smart Meter Implementation Programme of Great Britain (SMIP)
The European Commission
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the U.S.
The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea


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Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Market 2015-2020 Report

Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Market 2015-2020
MNOs Responding to the VoIP Threat through IMS, EPC, HD Voice, RCS, & ARPU Growth

Publication date: 13 November 2014
Number of Pages: 102

The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) has emerged as the future of mobile networks. Driven by consumer demand for media-rich applications and music and video streaming, operators have needed to move up their timetables for augmenting capacity and laying a framework for future-proof data networks. One of the side-effects of this new mobile paradigm has been the gradual erosion of traditional voice revenues, which have been the backbone of the telecoms industry for its century-long existence. In 2013, some of the world's more developed telecoms markets – such as the US and Japan – data revenues have surpassed voice services, which have also been hindered by low-cost, third party VoIP applications.
The voice over LTE market is a natural market reaction to diminishing returns on voice services. Based on an IMS framework, this set of protocols allows voice calls to be delivered as data flows over an LTE network, effectively eliminating traditional, public circuit-switched architecture from the mobile telephony equation.

Visiongain expects there to be 101.7 million active VoLTE subscriptions worldwide by the end of 2015.

Operators in developed markets see VoLTE as both a means to gain competitive advantage over rival service providers and a tool to bolster their brand strength. VoLTE promises operators will be able to fully utilise their IMS infrastructure, optimise their spectrum efficiency, and add value to existing voice plans. Unsurprisingly, the solution is viewed as a catchall plan for halting the decline in voice ARPU.

As the developed markets begin to move towards comprehensive LTE coverage, VoLTE will become an integral part of network architecture . The industry is witnessing a tremendous shift in network strategy and planning, one that will require attention to interoperability, QoS, and network capacity.

Coupled with broader LTE rollouts, VoLTE is set to become the next major services race amongst operators. Not only are they locked in competition with one another, but also with third party VoIP providers also determined to cling to voice revenue. As LTE coverage ascends to ubiquity, voice services will rapidly become a battleground over a $650 billion global market.

Why you should buy Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Market 2015-2020: MNOs Responding to the VoIP Threat through IMS, EPC, HD Voice, RCS, & ARPU Growth
What is the future of the VoLTE market?  Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content, delivering solid conclusions. This will illustrate new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy.

Avoid falling behind your competitors, missing critical business opportunities or losing industry influence. In our new report, you will discover forecasts of the market across the next 5 years and details on 9 leading companies in VoLTE. The report assesses their strategies, technologies, competitive forces, and product portfolios. Read on to discover the prospects for the VoLTE sector and find out who is at the forefront of it.

Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the VoLTE market
The Voice over LTE (VoLTE) Market 2015-2020: MNOs Responding to the VoIP Threat through IMS, EPC, HD Voice, RCS, & ARPU Growth report provides impartial VoLTE sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic adv antages: our informed, independent, objective analysis and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors.

With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects.

What makes this report unique?
Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key strengths and weaknesses behind leading players and their competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with quantitative data.

Table of Contents

1. Report Overview
1.1 Global VoLTE Market Overview
1.2 Global VoLTE Market Structure
1.3 Why You Should Read This Report
1.4 How This Report Delivers
1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include:
1.6 Who is This Report For?
1.7 Methodology
1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports
1.10 About Visiongain

2. Introduction to Voice Over LTE
2.1 Smartphone Penetration is Increasing Globally
2.1.1 Growth of Mobile Broadband
2.1.2 Mobile Broadband Moving Towards LTE Technology
2.2 LTE Development History
2.2.1 LTE Release 8/ 9 and 10 (LTE-Advanced)
2.2.2 VoLTE as a Crossroads between VoIP and LTE Network Equipment
2.3 Market Opportunity for OTT players
2.4 VoLTE Potential Benefits for Consumers
2.5 VoLTE Downsides for Consumers
2.6 Components of VoLTE and Benefits to the Consumer
2.7 Market Definition

3. The Global VoLTE Market Forecasts 2015-2020

3.1 Situating VoLTE in the Current Mobile Ecosystem
3.1.1 Global LTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
3.2 Global VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
3.3 Significant Uptake of VoLTE Steering Revenue Back to Operators

4. Regional VoLTE Market Forecasts 2015-2020

4.1 Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
4.1.1 Regional VoLTE ARPU Forecast 2015-2020
4.2 Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
4.3 The North American VoLTE Market 2015-2020: Large Revenue Potential in an OTT-Heavy Market
4.3.1 North America VoLTE Market Revenue Forecast 201 5-2020
4.3.2 North American VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
4.4 The Latin American VoLTE Market Forecast 2015-2020
4.4.1 Latin American VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
4.4.2 Latin American VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
4.5 The Asia-Pacific VoLTE Market Forecast 2015-2020
4.5.1 Asia-Pacific VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
4.5.2 Asia-Pacific VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
4.6 The European VoLTE Market Forecast 2015-2020
4.6.1 European VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
4.6.2 European VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
4.7 The Middle East and African VoLTE Market Forecast 2015-2020
4.7.1 Middle East and African VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
4.7.2 Middle East and African VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020

5. Leading National VoLTE Markets
5.1 The US VoLTE Market: Early Competition and Emergence as Leading Market
5.1.1 US National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
5.1.2 US National VoLTE Subscripti on Forecast 2015-2020
5.2 The Canadian VoLTE Market: Vast Revenue in a Relatively Small Pool
5.2.1 Canadian VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2022 Comparing Revenue Growth with the US
5.2.2 Canadian National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
5.3 The Korean VoLTE Market: Early Implementation and Efforts to Reclaim Voice
5.3.1 Korean VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
5.3.2 Korean National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
5.4 The Japanese VoLTE Market: Operator-Driven Innovation to Foster Rapid Deployment Strategies
5.4.1 Japanese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
5.4.2 Japanese National VoLTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020
5.5 The Chinese National VoLTE Market 2015-2020: Combining Operator Dedication with Large Potential Growth Market
5.5.1 Chinese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020
5.5.2 Chinese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020

6. Leading VoLTE Companies
6.1 Network Operators Deploying Vo LTE Ahead of the Pack
6.1.1 North America MetroPCS T-Mobile AT&T
6.1.2 Asia-Pacific SK Telecom NTT Docomo SingTel
6.2 Market Leading VoLTE Equipment Vendors
6.2.1 Ericsson Major Contracts and Building a Reputation in a New Market
6.2.2 Huawei Early Partnership and Tests with China Mobile Network Upgrade Strategy
6.2.3 Nokia Siemens Networks Service Quality Manager to Address QoS in a New, Untested Environment Critical Inroads in Asia-Pacific
6.2.4 Alcatel-Lucent The Shift Plan and Corporate Transformation Notable Rollouts and 100 Gbps Technologies

7. Key Drivers and Restraints for the VoLTE Market
7.1 VoLTE Market Drivers
7.1.1 Protecting Voice Revenue
7.1.2 Monetising Quality Assurance
7.1.3 Spectrum Efficiency and Legacy Network Offloading
7.1.4 Quicker Time to Market for New Services
7.1.5 Convenience
7.2 VoLTE Market Restraints
7.2.1 VoLTE as a Premium Service?
7.2.2 New Hardware, New Market
7.2.3 Multi-Vendor Challenges
7.2.4 Signalling Challenges and Potential Surges
7.2.5 Call Continuity

8. Conclusions and Recommendations
8.1 Rising Traffic Volumes and Increasing Demand for Ever Present Mobile Broadband Coverage
8.2 VoLTE Affords a Competitive Edge
8.3 Advantages on VoLTE
8.4 Disadvantages of VoLTE
8.5 Recommendations for Operators
8.6 Recommendations for Vendors
8.7 Final Thoughts

9. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Re-Engineering Strategies for Wireless Voice Calling
Table 2.2: VoLTE Consumer and Operator Benefits
Table 3.1: Global LTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (million subscriptions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 3.2: Global VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 3.3: Global VoLTE Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.1: Regional LTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015-2020 (% share)
Table 4.2: Regional LTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR%)
Table 4.3: Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%)
Table 4.4: Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015-2020 (% share)
Table 4.5: Regional VoLTE ARPU Forecast 2015-2020 ($/year, AGR%)
Table 4.6: Regional VoLTE Subscripiton Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR%)
Table 4.7: Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015-2020 (% share )
Table 4.8: Drivers for VoLTE Deployment in North America
Table 4.9: North American Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.10: North American Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.11: Restraints for VoLTE Deployment in Latin America
Table 4.12: Latin American Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.13: Latin American Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.14: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.15: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.16: Restraints for VoLTE Deployment in Europe
Table 4.17: European VoLTE Deployments Chronology
Table 4.18: European Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAG R %, Cumulative)
Table 4.19: European Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.20: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 4.21: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.1: Drivers for VoLTE Deployment in the United States
Table 5.2: US National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.3: US National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.4: Canadian National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.5: Canadian National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.6: Korean National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.7: Korean National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.8: Japanese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.9: Japanese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.10: Chinese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 5.11: Chinese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative)
Table 6.1: T-Mobile US VoLTE-Enabled Urban Areas and Devices
Table 8.1: Advantages of VoLTE for Operators and End-Users
Table 8.2: Disadvantages of VoLTE for Operators and End-Users

List of C harts

Chart 1.1: Chinese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 2.1: Global Smartphone Connection Forecast 2015-2020 (connections, AGR %)
Chart 3.1: Global LTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (million subscriptions; AGR %)
Chart 3.2: Global LTE and Legacy Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (million subscriptions; AGR %)
Chart 3.3: Global VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions; AGR %)
Chart 3.4: Global VoLTE Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.1: Regional LTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions)
Chart 4.2: Regional LTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.3: Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion)
Chart 4.4: Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.5: Regional VoLTE ARPU Forecast 2015-2020 ($/year)
Chart 4.6: Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions)
Chart 4.7: Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.8: North American Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.9: North American Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.10: North American Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.11: North American Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.12: North American Regional LTE and VoLTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (million)
Chart 4.13: Latin American Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.14: Latin American Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.15: Latin American Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.16: Latin American Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4. 17: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.18: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.19: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.20: Asia-Pacific Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.21: European Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.22: European Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.23: European Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.24: European Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.25: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Revenue Forecast ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 4.26: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 4.27: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.28: Middle East and African Regional VoLTE Subscription Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%)
Chart 5.1: US National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 5.2: US National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.3: Canada and US VoLTE ARPU Forecast 2015-2020 ($/month)
Chart 5.4: Canadian National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 5.5: US and Canada National Share or North American VoLTE Market Forecast 2015-2020 (%)
Chart 5.6: US and Canada National Share or North American VoLTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (%)
Chart 5.7: Canadian National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.8: Korean National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 5.9: Korean National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.10: Japanese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 5.11: Japanese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast (millions , AGR %)
Chart 5.12: Chinese National VoLTE Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %)
Chart 5.13: Chinese National VoLTE Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (millions, AGR %)

List of Figures

Figure 1.1: Basic VoLTE Market Structure Overview

Companies Mentioned in this report

Algérie Telecom
Asia Pacific Telecom (APT)
Bouygues Telecom
China Mobile
China Telecom
China Unicom
Google Voice
Hutchison Whampoa Hong Kong
Kakao Talk
KT Corporation
Mobily Saudi Arabia
Nokia Siemens Networks
NTT Docomo
PCCW Hong Kong
Qualcomm Technologies
SK Telecom
Taiwan Mobile
Telefónica (Germany)
T-Mobile US
Vodafone Hutchison Australia

Organisations Mentioned in This Report3GPP
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Korea Communications Commission


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LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) Mobile Technologies Market Report 2015-2020 report

LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) Mobile Technologies Market Report 2015-2020
The Leading Companies Developing Next Generation 4G Networks & The 5G Roadmap

Publication date: 04 December 2014
Numbe r of Pages: 188

In the last 6 years, the global mobile telecoms industry has been shaped by the introduction of 4G LTE technology. This mobile technology has not only changed the way we communicate, but it has also affected our lives in many different ways from the type of media we watch to the amount of devices we buy. Due to this, the number of deployments and subscriptions of 4G have been booming in the last two years, Visiongain calculates that between 2012 and 2014 the number of 4G LTE subscriptions increased by almost five times, as the Chinese deployment of 4G radically changed the global market in 2014. Visiongain expects that by 2015, 12.3% of 4G subscribers will be using LTE-Advance d (LTE-A) technology.

However, LTE technology does not constitute 100% of all global 4G subscriptions; since 2013 there have been a number of networks launching LTE-Advanced especially in the APAC region. LTE-A consists of several improvements over standard LTE, but the main advancement is carrier aggregation (CA) which enables different frequencies to be combined and treated as one channel of bandwidth, delivering greater performance. This technology will allow network operators to cope with the dramatic increases in mobile data and to improve their mobile broadband coverage.

The increasing mobile video consumption, connected cars, cloud applications and IoT are expected to be some of the most important drivers behind 4G LTE-Advanced technology. It is expected to be deployed in most of the developed economies and the number of subscribers is expected to increase at a much faster rate than 4G LTE subscribers in the next five years. Japan and South Korea are the leaders in terms of 4G LTE and LTE-A subscribers, but in the next three years other countries such as China and the US will take the lead on this technology.

4G LTE subscriptions are expected to represent the great majority of 4G connections in the next five years. LTE is suitable for a wider market than LTE-A which is expected to be deployed massively in developed markets such as the US. Additionally, deploying and adopting LTE technology is expected to have lower costs for both operators and users, LTE service and mobile handsets costs are also expected to be cheaper than those for LTE-A. For instance, one of the most thriving 4G LTE markets is China, which in 2014 alone is expected to add almost 100 million LTE subscriptions.

Overall, Visiongain expects the number of global 4G subscriptions to increase dramatically between 2015 and 2020, taking over existing 2G and 3G markets. LTE will be connecting the majority of the devices and LTE-A will be thriving in highly developed markets such as Japan and South Korea.

This new report presents in-depth analysis of the fastest growing 4G markets, regions and countries based upon the latest information and expected changes in the global market, the most recent changes in regulations and the largest opportunities for deploying LTE-A networks.

What is the future of the LTE-A technology? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis quantifies the potential. The report delivers solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportunities for revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy.

What makes this report unique?
Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. Th e report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global submarkets, regional and national markets forecasts from 2015-2020.

Why choose visiongain business intelligence?
Visiongain's increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage.

As such, visiongain's team of London based in-house analysts offer a wealth of knowledge and experience to inform your strategic business decisions. Let visiongain guide you.

Who is the report for?
Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the global LTE-A technology potential. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and regulatory overview providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
1.1 Market Definition
1.2 Market Segmentation
1.3 LTE-A Drivers & Constraints
1.4 Benefits of This Report
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Frequently Asked Questions (F AQ)

2. The Evolution of Mobile Telecoms Systems
2.1 First Generation (Analog) or 1G
2.2 Second Generation (Digital) or 2G
2.3 Third Generation (WCDMA in UMTS, CDMA2000 & TD-SCDMA) or 3G
2.4 Fourth Generation (All-IP) or 4G
2.4.1LTE Is Not 4G?
2.4.2 LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation (CA) Enhanced MIMO Relays Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) Small Cells
2.4.3 LTE-B The Second Phase of LTE-A Improvements

3. Global Trends and Drivers of Next Generation Network
3.1 Increasing Adoption of Mobile Broadband Devices
3.2 M2M Connections Forecast 2015-2020
3.2.1 Growth in Global Connected Cars Sales
3.3 Changing Consumer Habits and Preferences
3.3.1 The Global Shift Towards VoD
3.3.2 OTT Voice/Message Consumption
3.4 Dramatic Increase in Data Consumption

4. Global LTE & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast2015-2019
4.1 Global LTE Subscriptions Forecast
4.2 Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2019

5. Regional 4G& LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019
5.1 Regional 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019
5.2 LTE-Advanced Subscriber Forecast 2014-2019
5.3 North American 4G & LTE-A Subscription Forecast 2015-2020
5.3.1United States 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019
5.4 Asia Pacific 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2019
5.4.1Japanese 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2019 Japanese Connected Cars Market Driving the Adoption For LTE-A
5.4.2 South Korean 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscription Market Forecast 2015-2019
5.4.3 Chinese LTE & LTE-Advanced Subscription Forecast 2015-2019
5.5 European 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019
5.5.1 The Need for LTE-A to Unleash the Potential of IoT in Europe
5.6 Rest of the World (ROW) 4G & LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019
5.7 LTE & LTE Advanced Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2019

6. Global Mobile Operators Revenues & Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020

6.1Global 2G Subscriptions & Revenues Forecast 2015-2019
6.2 Global 3G Revenues and Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2019
6.3 Global 4G Subscriptions and Revenues Forecast 2015-2019
6.4 The Consequences of OTT Media Delivery Services on Global Mobile Revenues
6.4.1 Decreasing Revenues for Voice and SMS
6.4.2 Increasing Revenues from Upgrading Customers
6.4.3 Decreasing Churn Rate

7. An Introduction to 5G
7.1 5G Technology Drivers
7.1.1 Internet of Things
7.1.2 M-Health and Telemedicine
7.1.3 Extreme Video, virtual Reality and Gaming Applications
7.1.4 Public Safety
7.1.5 Education
7.2 5G requirements
7.2.1 User Driven Requirements Improved Battery Life Per-User Data rate and Latency Resilience Mobility
7.2 .1.5 Intelligent Networks
7.2.2 Network Driven Requirements Scalability Large Network Capacity and Cost Efficiency Network Flexibility Energy & Coverage Efficiency
7.3 Expected Technological Developments for 5G
7.4 Current Research and Standards Projects on 5G

8. Leading Companies in the Global LTE-A Market
8.1 Ericsson
8.1.1 Ericsson's RBS 6000 Series eNodeB
8.1.2 Recent LTE-A Trials & Contracts
8.1.3 Ericsson LTE Broadcast Solution Awards
8.2 Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN)
8.2.1 NSN Debuts Smallest 4G Small Cells
8.2.2 NSN LTE Contracts In 2013
8.2.3 NSN LTE-A Contracts & Trials
8.3 Alcatel-Lucent
8.3.4 Recent Alcatel-Lucent LTE Contracts
8.4 Huawei
8.4.1 Huawei Won a Total of 241 LTE contracts by 2013
8.4.2 Huawei LTE-A Contracts & Trials
8.5 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
8.5.1 Samsung 4G Base Stations
8.5.2 Samsung Macro Base Stations
8.5.3 Sma ll Cell Range
8.5.4 Samsung Electronics and KT Join Forces
8.5.5 Samsung Mobile Connected Devices
8.6 SK Telecom
8.7 LG U+
8.8 Royal KPN N.V.
8.9 EE Limited (Formerly Everything Everywhere Limited)
8.10 Other Key Players in the LTE-A Value Chain

9. Conclusions

10. Glossary

List of Tables

Table 2.2: Comparison of 1G-2G-3G-4G
Table 2.3: List of all 3GPP Releases between 2000-2012
Table 2.4: Original ITU Requirements for 4G
Table 2.5: Main Advantages and Challenges of Deploying 4G LTE-ATable 2.6: Description of different small Cells Technologies
Table 3.6 Regional Mobile Cellular Penetration per 100 Inhabitants 2014 (%)
Table 3.14: Global OTT Voice/Message Subscriptions Forecast 2014-2019 (Billions Subscriptions, Global AGR% and CAGR %)
Table 4.1: Global 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 4.4: Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 4.7: Networks With Commercial LTE-A Networks Deployed As Of October 2014 (Country, Operator and Date)
Table 5.7: North American 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.8: North American LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.9: North American LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Table 5.13: US 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced Subscriptions forecast (4G Penetration %, AGR%, Millions)
Table 5.14: US LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forec ast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.18: APAC 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.19: APAC LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.28: Japanese 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced Subscriptions forecast (4G Penetration %, AGR%, Millions)
Table 5.29: Japanese LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.36: South Korean 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced Subscriptions forecast (4G Penetration %, AGR%, Millions)
Table 5.37: South Korean LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.43: Chinese 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast (4G Penetration %, AGR%, Millions)
Table 5.44: Chinese LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.51: European 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.52: European LTE-Advanced Subscriptions For ecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.58: Global and Regional IoT Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billion in N.A, APAC, Europe, MEA and LATAM)
Table 5.59: Rest of The World 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.61: Rest of The World LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.66: Global 4G Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.68: Global 4G LTE Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 5.70: Global 4G LTE-A Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Table 6.1: Global Mobile Operators Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR% and Cumulative)
Table 6.3: Global Mobile Cellular Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, AGR %, CAGR %)
Table 6.6: Global Mobile 2G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, AGR % and CAGR %)
Table 6.8: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 2G Services Fore cast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR% and Cumulative)
Table 6.12: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 3G Services Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR% and Cumulative)
Table 6.15: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 4G Services Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, CAGR% and Cumulative)
Table 8.1 Ericsson Company Overview (Revenues, IR Contact, Total Employees, Employees in R&D, Number of Patents, Headquarter, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.2: Ericsson's LTE and LTE-A Contracts by Region (FY 2013)
Table 8.3 NSN Company Overview (Revenues, IR Contact, Total Employees, R&D Spending, Headquarter, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.4 NSN LTE Contracts 2013
Table 8.5 Alcatel-Lucent Company Overview (Revenues, IR Contact, Total Employees, Headquarter, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.6 Huawei Company Overview (Revenues, Media Contact, Total Employees, Headquarter, Ticker, R&D Investment and Website)
Table 8.7 Samsung Company Overview (Revenues, Total E mployees, Headquarter, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.8 SK Telecom Overview (Revenues, Total Employees, Headquarters, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.9 LG U+ Overview (Revenues, Headquarters, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.10 KPN Overview (Revenues, Headquarters, Employees, Ticker and Website)
Table 8.11 EE Overview
Table 8.12: Key Players in the 4G Small Cells Value Chain
Table 8.13: Global Companies with 4G Networks Active
Table 8.15: Selected Global Smartphone Manufacturers

List of Charts

Chart 1.1: %Share of 4G Subscript ions Forecast for 2015 In South Korea, Japan and The United States (LTE vs. LTE-A)
Chart 3.1: Global Mobile Connected Devices Forecast 2015-2020 (Billion of Connected Mobile Devices, AGR %)
Chart 3.2: Global Average Smartphone Cost 2008-2014 ($)
Chart 3.3: Global Smartphone Shipments and Smartphone Penetration 2009-2013 (Millions)
Chart 3.4: Global Average Smartphone and Smartphone Penetration 2009-2014 ($ and %)
Chart 3.5: Global Smartphone Shipments Forecast 2014-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 3.7: Regional Mobile Cellular Penetration per 100 Inhabitants 2014 (%)
Chart 3.8: Global M2M Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 3.9: Global Connected vs. Not-Connected Cars Sales Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 3.10: Share of Global Online Video Consumption on Mobile Devices 3Q2011-4Q2013 (%)
Chart 3.11: Number of Households Worldwide Using a VoD Service 2010-2019 (Million Households)
Chart 3.12: Netflix's Subscription Growth in n on-US Markets Q42011-Q32014 (Million Subscriptions, AGR %, *= Expected)
Chart 3.13: Netflix's Global Subscribers Q42013-Q32014*(Million Subscriptions)
Chart 3.15: Global OTT Voice/Message Subscription Forecast 2014-2019 (Billion Subscriptions, Global AGR %)
Chart 3.16: Global Number of Photos Shared in Selected Social Networks 2009-2014 (Million Photos a Day)
Chart 3.17: Global Mobile Data Traffic 2010-2014 (ExaBytes, Monthly)
Chart 3.18: Monthly Data Traffic Forecast for Global Smartphone and Single Smartphone Connection 2014-2020 (ExaBytes and Megabytes)
Chart 3.19: Global Mobile Data Traffic by Type 2015 vs.2020 (% of Total Mobile Data Traffic)
Chart 4.2: Global 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.3: Global 4G Subscriptions 2011-2015 (Millions)
Chart 4.5: Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 4.6: Global LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 4. 8: LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 for China, Japan, US, South Korea and The Rest of The world (Millions)
Chart 4.9: Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2020 for China, Japan, US, South Korea and The Rest of The World (% Share)
Chart 5.2: Regional Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%)
Chart 5.3: Regional Share of Global 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2018-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.4: Regional Share of Global LTE-A Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR% and CAGR %)
Chart 5.5: Regional Share of Global LTE-A Subscription Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, Global AGR %)
Chart 5.6: Regional Share of Global LTE-A Commercial Launches in 2014
Chart 5.10: SVoD Subscriptions Forecast for US and Canada 2014-2019 (Million Subscriptions)
Chart 5.11: North American 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.12: North American 4G Subscription Share LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.15: US 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, Penetration %)
Chart 5.16: US Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.17: Fixed Broadband Penetration and Mobile Cellular Subscriptions per 100 People in US vs. The Developed Region 2004-2014(%)
Chart 5.20: APAC LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.21: APAC 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 LTE vs. LTE-Advanced (Millions, 4G AGR)
Chart 5.22: APAC 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.23: APAC Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2018 (% Share)
Chart 5.24: Regional Share of Mobile Gamers in 2014 (% Share of Global Gamers)
Chart 5.25: Number of WeChat Users 2011-2014 (Millions)
Chart 5.26: Number of Line Corp. registered subscribers 2011-2014 (Millions)
Chart 5.27: Global Sh are of Line Corp. Subscribers in its Main Markets in 2014 (%)
Chart 5.30: Japanese LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)
Chart 5.31: Japanese 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.32: Japanese 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.33: Japanese Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.34: Fixed Broadband Penetration and Mobile Cellular Subscriptions per 100 People Japan vs. The APAC Region 2004-2014(%)
Chart 5.35: Japanese Connected Car Market Forecasts 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%, CAGR %)
Chart 5.38: South Korean LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.39: South Korean 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, Penetration %)
Chart 5.40: South Korean 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 ( % Share)
Chart 5.41: South Korean Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2018 (% Share)
Chart 5.42: Fixed Broadband Penetration and Mobile Cellular Subscriptions per 100 People in South Korea vs. The APAC Region 2004-2014 (Penetration %)
Chart 5.45: Chinese LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.46: Chinese 4G Penetration and LTE-Advanced vs. LTE Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, Penetration %)
Chart 5.47: Chinese 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.48: Chinese Share of Global LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2018 (% Share)
Chart 5.49: Mobile Cellular Subscriptions in South Korea, China and Japan 2004-2014 (Subscriptions per 100 Inhabitants)
Chart 5.50: 4G Penetration in China, Japan, South Korea and The US 2012-2014 (%)
Chart 5.53: European LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %
Chart 5.54: European 4G Subsc riptions Forecast 2015-2020 LTE vs. LTE-Advanced (Millions, 4G AGR)
Chart 5.55: European 4G Subscriptions Forecast LTE vs. LTE-Advanced 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.56: Smartphone Subscriptions in the Largest European Markets 2012-2014 (Millions Subscriptions in: Sp, It, UK, Gr, Fr, Pl and Nth.
Chart 5.57: Regional IoT Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billion in N.A, APAC, Europe, MEA and LATAM)
Chart 5.60: RoW Share of Global 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Chart 5.63: Rest of The World LTE-Advanced Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.64: Rest of The World 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 LTE vs. LTE-Advanced (Millions, 4G AGR)
Chart 5.65: RoW 4G Subscriptions LTE vs. LTE-Advanced Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (% Share)
Table 5.67: List of Notable Handsets with LTE-Advanced Capabilities (With theoretical Speeds of at least 150Mbps)
Chart 5.66: Global 4G Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.69: Global 4G LTE Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.71: Global 4G LTE-A Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %)
Chart 5.72: Global 4G Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2020 LTE vs. LTE-A (Millions)
Chart 5.73: Global 4G Handsets Shipments Forecast 2015-2017-2020 LTE vs. LTE-A (%)
Chart 6.2: Global Mobile Operators Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %,
Chart 6.4: Global Mobile Cellular 2G, 3G and 4G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, Global AGR %)
Chart 6.5: Global Mobile Cellular 2G, 3G and 4G Connections Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (%)
Chart 6.7: Global Mobile 2G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions and AGR %)
Chart 6.9: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 2G Services Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %)
Chart 6.10: Global Mobile 3G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, AGR % and CAGR %)
Chart 6.11: Global Mobile 3G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions and AGR %)
Chart 6.13: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 3G Services Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %)
Chart 6.14: Global Mobile Cellular 2G, 3G and 4G Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions)
Chart 6.16: Global Mobile Operators Revenue From 4G Services Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %)
Chart 6.17: Global Mobile Cellular 2G, 3G and 4G Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, Global AGR %)
Chart 6.18: Global Mobile Cellular 2G, 3G and 4G Revenue Forecast 2015-2017-2020 (%)
Chart 6.19: Estimates of Potential Global SMS and Voice Revenues With and Without the Effects of OTT Providers in 2014 and 2019 ($Billions, % Change)
Chart 6.20: Regional Expected Difference in ARPU Obtained by Telcos From Customers Migrating From Feature Phone to Smartphone (ARPU in $)
Chart 8.14: Global Share of Smartphone Sales 2011-2014 (%)

List of Figures

Figure 1.2: Global 4G Market Definition
Figure 1.3: Graphical Representation Of The Different Forecasts Presented In This Report (Forecast for Period 2015-2020)
Figure 1.4: Global 4G Subscriptions Forecast 2015-2020 Segmentation
Figure 1.5: Global Mobile Operators Revenue and Subscriptions Segmentation
Figure 2.1: Illustration of Mobile Telecoms Technology Evolution and 3GPP Technology Evolution Between 1990 to 2014

Companies Mentioned in this report

4M Wireless
A1 Australia
A1 Telekom
Accelicon Technologies
Adams NetWorks
Alaska Communications
Altair Semiconductor
Appalachian Wireless
Apple Inc
Axis Technologies
Barnes & Noble
Belair Networks
Bell Labs
Bell Mobility
Bharti Airtel
Bhutan Telecom
BitWave Semiconductor
Bluegrass Cellular
Bouygues Telecom
Bridgewater Systems
C Spire Wireless
Celcom Axiata
Chariton Valley
Chat Mo bility
China Mobile
China Telecom
China Unicom
Chungwa Telecom
CMCC China
Colorado Valley
Commnet Wireless/NTUA
Continuous Computing - Trillium
Copper Valley Telecom
Corning MobileAccess
Crown Castle (NextG)
Custer Telephone
DesignArt Networks
Deutsche Telekom
DoCoMo Pacific
Econet Wireless
Energy Australia
Entel Movil
Evolve Broadband
ExteNet Systems
Fastlink (Regional Telecom)
Fjarskipti (Vodafone Iceland)
GCT Semiconductor
Icera (NVIDIA)
Infrastructure Networks
InnerWirele ss
Juniper Networks
Kineto Wireless
Korea Telecoms
KT Corp
Line Corp
Magyar Telecom
Max Telecom
Metro PCS
Mid-Rivers Communications
MindTree Wireless
Minieum Networks
Mobile TeleSystems OJSC
Monaco Telecom
Mosaic Telecom
Motorola Mobility
Nex-Tech Wireless
Nokia Solutions and Networks
Nomor Research
Nortex Communications
nTelos Wireless
Open Mobile
Orange Business Services
Panhandle (PTCI)
Panorama Antennas
Peoples Telephone Co-op
Pioneer Cellular
Polkomtel Plus
PT Internux
PVT/Fuego Wireless
Real Future
Renesas Electronics
Rogers Wireless
Royal KPN N.V.
Ruckus Wireless
S and R Communications
Saima Telecom
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd
Sequans Communications
Setar NV
SingTel Mobile
SK Group
SK Telecom
Sky Brazil
Slovak Telecoms
Smart Communications
Smile Oct
Softbank Mobile
Spri nt Nextel
Sprocket Wireless
Strata Networks
Sunrise Communications
Sweden (World's first),
Syringa Wireless
T Mobile
T Mobile US
T Mobile/T-Hrvatski Telekom
Taiwan Mobile
Tata Elxsi
Tele2 Sweden
Telecom NZ
Telefonica Movistar
Telefonica O2
Telia Sonera
Telkom Mobile
Telstra - Australia
Tencent Holdings
Thomson Reuters
Thumb Cellular
TIM Brasil
TMN (Portugal Telecom)
TN Mobile
Traffix Systems
Tropper Technologies
True Move
U Mobile
Ubee Interactive
UK Broadband
US Cellular
Vainakh Telecom
Verizon Wireless
Zain Kuwait
Zen Mobile

Government Agencies and Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report 
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
4G Americas
5G Forum
Centre for Wireless Systems And Applications (CWSA)
Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
European Institute for Innovation Technology (EIT)
GSM Association (GSMA)
IMT-2020 Promotion Group
Institute of electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Intel strategic research Alliance (ISRA)
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Chinese Government (MIIT)
Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for the Twenty-twenty Information Society (METIS)
Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN)
Purdue University
Stanford University
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS)
The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB)
The WiMAX Forum
Tokyo Institute of Technology
University of Edinburgh
University of Surrey
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)


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I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Dorottya Szalai
Telecoms Industry Consultant

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