Small Cells Market 2014-2019 Femtocell, Picocell, & Microcell Prospects for LTE, SONs, Wireless Offloading & Heterogeneous Networks Publication date: 26 September 2014 Number of P ages: 143 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The mobile market is at a turning point. In 2013, smartphones outsold feature phones for the first time, while tablets are expected to outsell PCs by 2015. With the increasing mobility advantage offered by these devices, consumers have come to expect a high standard of network connectivity at all times. More than ever before, social media, internet browsing, video streaming, and applications dominate mobile phone usage. With the proliferation of these devices, global data traffic has increased from 820 petabytes/month in 2012 to 1.5 exabytes/month in 2013. Consequently, operators are finding themselves in a capacity crunch, vying to increase network capac ity and mobile broadband speeds without incurring crippling capital and operational expenditures. Heterogeneous networks are the leading solution to emerge: using small cells to fill gaps left in the network by macrocells, as well as increase capacity in high-traffic areas. Along with small costs, the ease of deploying and maintaining small cells has made them an invaluable asset to operators in the LTE era. Visiongain expects 1.7 million new small cell deployments globally in 2014. Deployments of femtocells, picocells, and microcells will explode over the next five years, in residential, enterprise, and public access spheres. Driven by rapidly multiplying mobile broadband demand, the development of multimode devices, and a worldwide shift to LTE, the small cells market promises to be a lucrative sector for players throughout the ecosystem. As the developed markets begin to move towards comprehensive LTE coverage, small cells wi ll become an integral part of network architecture. The industry is witnessing a tremendous shift in network strategy and planning, one that revolves around a more intricate nexus of compact, high-performance elements. The small cells market will experience significant growth through the forecast period, simultaneously driving innovation in fibre-optic and multi-gigabit millimetre wave backhaul, IP-based core networks, heterogeneous and self-organising networks. These are the optimal and inevitable solutions to industry-wide questions on mobile network capacity. Why you should buy the Small Cells Market 2014-2019 report What is the future of the Small Cells market? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content, delivering solid conclusions. This will illustrate new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct y our future business strategy. Avoid falling behind your competitors, missing critical business opportunities or losing industry influence. In our new report, you will discover forecasts of the market across the next 5 years and details on 49 leading companies in Small Cells. The report assesses their strategies, technologies, competitive forces, and product portfolios. Read on to discover the prospects for the Small Cells sector and find out who is at the forefront of it. Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the Small Cells market The Small Cells Market 2014-2019 report provides impartial Small Cells sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: our informed, independent, objective analysis and revealing company profiles will provi de you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key strengths and weaknesses behind leading players and their competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with quantitative data. How the Small Cells Market 2014-2019 report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the Small Cells ma rket. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 Global Small Cell Market Overview 1.2 Global Small Cell Market Structure 1.3 Why You Should Read This Report 1.4 How This Report Delivers 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include: 1.6 Who is This Report For? 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports 1.10 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the Small Cells Market 2.1 The Concept of Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) 2.2 Defining Small Cells 2.2.1 Microcell 2.2.2 Picocell Metrocell 2.2.3 Femtocell 4G Public Space Femtocell 2.2.5 eNode B 2.2.7 4G Mini eNode B 2.2.8 HetNet (Heterogeneous Network) 2.2.9 Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum 2.3 From Homogeneous to Heterogeneous Networks 2.4 Usage of Small Cells 2.4.1 Residential 2.4.2 Enterprise 2.4.3 Metro and Public Space 2.4.4 Rural Applications 2.5 Growth Drivers for Small Cells Market 2.5.1 Addressing the Capacity Crunch 2.5.2 Mobility: A Key Growth Driver 2.5 .3 Increasing Smartphone Penetration 2.5.4 Growth of Mobile Broadband 2.5.5 Mobile Broadband Moving Towards LTE Technology 2.5.6 Additional Uses of Mobile Broadband 2.5.7 M2M Connections Increasing Business and consumer security and surveillance Healthcare Inventory and fleet management Telematics 2.5.8 Connected Homes 2.5.9 Mobile Video 2.5.10 Need for In-Building Coverage 2.5.11 Enterprise Demands for In-building Coverage 2.5.12 Small Cells Demand Driven by Vendors 2.6 Underlying Trends in the Small Cells Market 2.6.1 Small Cells – Increasingly Dense Usage in Urban LTE 2.6.2 Femtocell Deployments in Public Spaces 4G Public Space Femtocell Complementing Macro Coverage The Role of Femtocells in HetNets 2.6.3 The Role of Picocells in Indoor Coverage 2.6.4 Microcells Filling the Macro Gaps 2.6.5 The Novel Concept and Applications of Metrocells 2.6.6 How Are Metrocells Lowe ring LTE Network Costs? 3. The Global Small Cells Market Forecasts 2014-2019 3.1 Significant Increase in Mobile Broadband Uptake Driving the Small Cells Market Forward 3.2 Significant Uptake of Small Cells from Operators Driving Shipments 4. The Global Small Cells Submarket Forecasts 2014-2019 4.1 Global Small Cell Submarket Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 4.2 Global Small Cell Submarket Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 4.3 The Emergence of Femtocells in the LTE Era 5. Regional Small Cells Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.1 Overview 5.2 Asia-Pacific Leading the Regional Small Cells Market Forecasts by Significant Margin 2014-2019 5.3 Regional Small Cells Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.4 The North American Small Cell Market 2014-2019 5.4.1 North America Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 5.4.2 North American Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.5 The Latin American Small Cell Market 2014-2019 5.5.1 L atin American Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 5.5.2 Latin American Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.6 The Asia-Pacific Small Cell Market 2014-2019 5.6.1 Asia-Pacific Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 5.6.2 Asia-Pacific Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.7 The European Small Cell Market 2014-2019 5.7.1 European Small Cell Market Forecast 2014-2019 5.7.2 European Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.8 The Middle East and Africa Small Cell Market 2014-2019 5.8.1 Middle East and Africa Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 5.8.2 Middle East and Africa Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 6. Leading Companies in the Small Cells Ecosystem 6.1 Overview of Key Market Players and their Strategies 6.2 Ablaze Wireless 6.3 Acme Packet 6.4 Agilent Technologies 6.5 Airspan 6.6 Alcatel-Lucent 6.7 Altobridge 6.8 Aricent Group 6.9 AT&T 6.10 AWTG 6.11 BLiNQ Networks 6.12 Blu Wi reless Technologies 6.13 BridgeWave Communications 6.14 Broadcom 6.15 C-COM 6.16 Cisco Systems 6.17 Comba 6.18 DragonWave 6.19 EDX Wireless 6.20 Ericsson 6.21 Fastback Networks 6.22 Fujitsu 6.23 Hitachi 6.24 Huawei 6.25 iDirect 6.26 Infovista 6.27 Intracom Telecom 6.28 Ip.access 6.29 Juni Global 6.30 MimoOn and Tektelic 6.31 Mindspeed Technologies 6.32 NEC Corporation 6.33 Nokia Siemens Networks 6.34 Option N.V. 6.35 PicoCELA 6.36 Qualcomm 6.37 RadiSys 6.38 RADWIN 6.39 Rakon 6.40 Ranplan 6.41 Samsung 6.42 SK Telesys 6.43 SoftBank 6.44 SpiderCloud Wireless 6.45 Stoke 6.46 Tatara Systems 6.47 Ubiquisys 6.48 Vodafone 6.49 ZTE 6.50 Additional Players in the Small Cells Ecosystem 7. Technical Specifications of Small Cell Technologies 7.1 Technical considerations Interference Management Mobility Management 7.1.2 Backhaul 7.1.3 Close d vs. Hybrid vs. Open Access 7.1.4 Self-Organising Networks 7.1.5 Other Solutions Cloud RAN (Radio Access Network) Role of the Radio Access Network Composition of the Radio Access Network Distributes Antenna Systems (DAS) 7.2 Comparing Small Cells Approach to Hetnets 7.2.1 Microcells versus Wi-Fi Performance 7.2.2 Mobility 7.2.3 Quality of Service 7.2.4 Security 7.2.5 Self Organising Networks (SON) The Advent and Importance of Self-Organising Networks 7.3 Design of Hetnets 7.3.1 Deployment Aspects and Choice of Radio Access Technology 7.3.2 Small Cells in 3G Networks 7.3.3 Small Cells in 4G Networks Base Stations and LTE Network Architecture Differentiating between LTE FDD and TD-LTE 7.3.4 Type of Low Power Node and Backhaul Solution 7.3.5 Equipments Serving the Hetnets Architecture 7.3.6 Hetnet Architecture Layers and Radio Access Equipment Sectors 7.3.7 Tech nology for Cell Site Backhaul 8. Conclusions and Recommendations 8.1 Rising Traffic Volumes and Increasing Demand for Ever Present Mobile Broadband Coverage 8.2 Vendors Build a Strong Case for Small Cell Architectures 8.2.1 Small Cells and LTE 8.2.2 Integrated Antenna Systems Favouring Growth of Small Cells 8.2.3 Small Cell Deployment Challenges and SONs 8.3 Wi-Fi Offloading and its Challenges 8.4 Operator Benefits from Small Cells: Increased Revenue, Reduced Cost 8.5 Visiongain Predicts Consistently High Growth Rates in the Small Cells Market Fuelled By Upgrades in Mobile Broadband Technology 8.6 Final Thoughts 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1: Small Cells Specifications Comparison – Microcell; Picocell; Femtocell Table 3.1: Global Small Cell Market Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ million, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 3.2: Global Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (thousand units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.1: Global Small Cell Sub-type Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Table 4.2: Global Small Cell Sub-type Revenue Share Forecast 2014-2019 (% share) Table 4.3: Global Small Cell Sub-type Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Table 4.4: Global Small Cell Sub-type Deployment Share Forecast 2014-2019 (% share) Table 4.5: Network Offload and Femtocell Benefit Analysis Table 5.1: Regional Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR%) Table 5.2: Regional Small Cell Deployment Share Forecast 201 4-2019 (% share) Table 5.4: North American Small Cell Revenue Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.4: North American Small Cell Deployment Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 (units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.5: Latin American Small Cell Revenue Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.6: Latin American Small Cell Deployment Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 (units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.7: Asia-Pacific Small Cell Revenue Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.8: APAC Small Cell Deployment Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 (units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.9: European Small Cell Revenue Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.10: Europe Small Cell Deployment Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 (units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.11: MEA Small Cell Revenue Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %, CA GR %, Cumulative) Table 5.12: MEA Small Cell Deployment Forecast by Sub-type 2014-2019 (units, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 6.1: AT&T Small Cell Deployment Sub-types Described Table 6.1 EDX Wireless Product Portfolio Table 6.3: Key Players in the Small Cells Value Chain Table 7.1: LTE Functions of eNodeBs Table 7.2: Difference between FDD-LTE and TD-LTE Table 8.1 SWOT Analysis of the Small Cells Market 2014-2019 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Charts Chart 1.1: Middle East and Africa Femtocell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 2.1: Global Smartphone Connection Forecast 2014-2019 (connections, AGR %) Chart 2.2: Global M2M Connections Forecast 2014-2019 (million connections, AGR %) Chart 3.1: Global Small Cell Market Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn; AGR %) Chart 3.2: Global Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (thousand units, AGR %) Chart 4.1: Global Small Cells Sub-type Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 4.2: Global Small Cell Sub-type Revenue Share Forecast 2014; 2016; 2019 (%) Chart 4.3: Global Small Cells Sub-type Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 4.4: Global Small Cell Sub-type Deployment Share Forecast 2014; 2016; 2019 (%) Chart 5.1: Regional Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 5.2: Global Small Cell Sub-type Deployment Share Forecast 2014; 2016; 2019 (%) Chart 5.3: North American Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Chart 5.3: North American Small Cell Revenue by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 5.5: North American Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 5.6: North American Small Cell Deployment by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 5.7: Latin American Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Chart 5.8: Latin American Small Cell Revenue by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 5.9: Latin American Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 5.10: Latin American Small Cell Deployment by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 5.11: Asia-Pacific Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Chart 5.12: Asia-Pacific Small Cell Revenue by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 5.13: APAC Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 5.14: APAC Small Cell Deployment by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 5.15: European Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Chart 5.16: European Small Cell Revenue by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 5.17: Europe Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 5.18: Europe Small Cell Deployment by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 (units) Chart 5.19: MEA Small Cell Revenue Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn, AGR %) Chart 5.20: MEA Small Cell Revenue by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 ($ mn) Chart 5.21: MEA Small Cell Deployment Forecast 2014-2019 (units, AGR %) Chart 5.22: MEA Small Cell Deployment by Sub-type Forecast 2014-2019 (units) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1: Basic Small Cell Market Structure Overview Figure 2.1: Contextualisation of Small Cells within Network Architecture Figure 2.2: Femtocell Operation Illustration Figure 2.3: Femtocell Architecture ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 3 Sweden 4M Wireless Ablaze Wireless Accelicon Technologies Acme Packet Aero2 Agilent Research Laboratories Agilent Technologies AirHop Airspan Airtel Airvana AirWalk Alcatel-Lucent Altair Semiconductor Altobridge Alvarion Anritsu Apple Argela Aricent Group Ascom AT&T Inc. Aviat AVM AWTG Axis Technologies Azcom Technology Belair Networks Bell Labs BellSouth Benetel BitWave Semiconductor BLiNQ Networks Blu Wireless Technologies BluWan Bridgewater Systems BridgeWave Communications Broadcom Cambridge Broadband Networks (CBNL) Cavium C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. China Mobile China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC) China Mobile Hong Kong Cingular Wireless Cisco Systems Clearwire Comba Telecom Commnet Wireless/NTUA Contela Continuous Computing - Trillium Corning MobileAccess COTA/Murcia4G Crown Castle (NextG) CS Corporation CSL Ltd Deltanode Deltenna DesignArt Networks Dialog Axiata DragonWave EDX Wireless Enterprise Ireland Ericsson Etisalat ExteNet Systems Fastback Networks Freescale Fujitsu GCT Semiconductor Gemtek Google+ Hi3G Hitachi Huawei ICEE Icera iDirect IFC Infineon Infinet Infovista InnerWireless Intel Intel Capital InterDigital Intracom Holdings Intracom Telecom Ip.access IPG Communications IPWireless Ixia Juni Global Juniper Networks KDDI Kineto Wireless Korea Telecom (KT) Lyrtech MediaTek Megafon Moscow Menatelecom Mesaplexx MimoOn Mindspeed Technologies MindTree Wireless Minieum Networks Mitsubishi Mobile TeleSystems OJSC Mobily Mosaic Telecom Motorola Motorola Mobility MTN MTS Moscow Nash Technologies NBN Co. Ncell NEC Corporation Neo-Sky Netflix NETGEAR NetHawk Nextivity Nice Nice Optimize Nice Systems Nintendo Node-H Nokia Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) Nomor Research Nortel NSN-Motorola NTT Docomo O2 Omantel On Telecomunicacoes Option N.V. Optiway Optus Orange Panasonic Panorama Antennas PicoCELA International picoChip Powerwave PT InternuxPublic Wireless Inc. PureWave Qasara Qualcomm Quortus Radisys RADWIN Rakon Ranplan Renesas Electronics RFMD Ruckus Wireless Samsung Sasktel Sequans Communications Sercomm SFR Siklu SingTel Sitronics SK Group SK Telecom SK Telesys Sky Brasil Services Softbank Group SoftBank Mobile Corporation Sony-Ericsson Spectranet SpiderCloud Wireless Sprint Wireless Starent Networks STC ST-Ericsson Stoke SUB10 Systems Swift Networks Swisscom Symmetricom Tarana Wireless Tata Elxsi Tatara Systems TE Connectivity Tecom Tekelec Tektelic Communications Tektronix Telefonica Telenor Telia Sonera Telkom Mobile Telstra Group TELUS Texas Instruments Thomson T-Mobile/Deutsche Telekom Traffix Systems Tropper Technologies Ubee Interactive Ubiquisys u-blox UK Broadband UTStarcom Vainakh Telecom VECTRON International Ver izon Wireless VimpleCom Virgin Group Vodafone Wintegra Wipro Yahoo Japan Corporation YouTube Zain Zain Kuwait Zinwave ZTE ZyXEL Organisations Mentioned in This Report 3GPP 3GPP2 British Broadcasting Corporation Furukawa Lab, Department of Advanced Information Technology, Kyushu University, Japan Mobile World Congress MultiService Forum Small Cell Forum Small Cells World Summit WiMAX Forum Wireless Broadband Alliance ------------------------------------------------------------ |
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