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Automotive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Market 2014-2019 Smartphones & Tablets vs. Embedded Connected Car Systems Publication date: 14 August 2014 Number of Pages: 125 < span style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">------------------------------------------------------------ |
The Automotive BYOD market is set for exponential growth over the next few years. In 2014, the technology is poised to see substantial uptake due to the growing number of connected devices, and the growing success and uptake of connected car technologies recently. Consumer devices such as smartphones, tablets, wearable gadgets and eReaders are currently enjoying high adoption rates across the globe. With the ever increasing number of connected devices, the potential of Automotive BYOD will transform and revolutionize automotive mobility systems. Visiongain believes that 2014 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for Automotive BYOD as vehicle manufacturers a ddress consumer demands for full-time mobile connectivity and the government initiatives that support connected car regulations for added safety and security reasons. Not only will the Automotive BYOD market flourish across car manufacturers, even IT and Telecom based industries will see huge growth with the widespread application of Automotive BYOD. As a consequence, Visiongain expects global Automotive BYOD revenue to reach $26.4 billion in 2014. The report contains 70 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in order to explain developing trends within the Automotive BYOD market. Visiongain provides forecasts for the period 2014-2019 in terms of value (US$) for the global Automotive BYOD market, as well as for submarket forecasts for Embedded, Integrated, and Tethered Connectivity Systems. In addition, five regional markets are forecast and analysed by visiongain over the period 2014-2019. The report also provides profiles of 26 leading vendors operating within t he market and key developments in the vendor landscape. This new report from Visiongain is a completely fresh market assessment of the Automotive BYOD market sector based upon the latest information. The report contains completely new company interviews, updated forecasts, original analysis, expanded company profiles and, most crucially, fresh conclusions. Why you should buy the Automotive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Market 2014-2019 What is the future of the Automotive BYOD market? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy. Avoid falling behind your competitors, missing critical business opportunities or losing industry influence. In our new report you will d iscover forecasts from 2014-2019 at the global, submarket, and regional level. The report also assesses technologies, competitive forces and expected product pipeline developments. Read on to discover the prospects for the Automotive BYOD sector and find out what its future market prospects are. Why choose Visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. The Automotive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Market 2014-2019 report provides impartial Automotive BYOD sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strateg ic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, exclusive interviews and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. What makes this report unique? Visiongain consulted widely with leading industry experts and the full transcripts from two exclusive interviews are included in the report. Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global, submarket and regional markets forecasts from 2014-2019 How the Automotive Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Market 2014-2019 report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the Automotive BYOD market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Automotive BYOD Market Set for Explosive Growth 1.2 Key Factors Pushing the Connected Cars into Mainstream Adoption 1.2.1 Massive Growth in Smartphones and Tablets for Personal and Business Use 1.2.2 Exponential Growth in Mobile Broadband Data Consumption 1.2.3 Ever Increasing Plethora of Cloud Hosted Services and Apps 1.2.4 The Rise of Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), and M2M 1.2.5 Future Adoption of Legislature Regarding Extra Safety Features In Cars 1.3 Aim of the Report 1.4 Structure of the Report 1.5 Report Scope 1.6 Highlights in the report include: 1.7 Who is This Report For? 1.8 Questions Answered by this Report 1.9 Benefits of This Report 1.10 Methodology 2. Introduction to the Automotive BYOD Market 2.1 What's a Connected Car? 2.2 Defining Automotive BYOD 2.3 What are the Different Types of Connectivity Options 2.3.1 Embedded Connectivity 2.3.2 Integrated Systems 2.3.3 Tethered Smartphones and Tablets 2.4 Growth Drivers for Automotive BYOD Market 2.4.1 Smartphones Will Continue to Grow in Popularity 2.4.2 Mobile Applications and Related Ecosystem Will Continue to Grow 2.4.3 The Ever-growing Ubiquity of Cloud Computing Market 2.5 Market Restraints 2.5.1 Privacy Concerns 2.5.2 Distracted Drivers May Lead to Unsafe Roads 2.5.3 Bandwidth Capacity Issues Could Hamper Automotive BYOD Uptake 2.5.4 Interoperability Issues 2.5.5 Security Concerns Regarding the Automotive BYOD Market 3. Global Automotive Bring Your Own Device (Automotive BYOD) Market 2014-2019 3.1 Significant Interest in Connected Cars Uptak e Driving the Automotive BYOD Market Forward 3.2 Significant Potential for Automotive BYOD Market as Connected Car Shipments Increase Rapidly 4. The Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecasts 2014-2019 4.1 What are the Leading Submarkets in the Global Automotive BYOD Forecast 2014-2019? 4.1.1 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast AGR & CAGR 4.1.2 Embedded Solutions to Continue Leading the Market in 2014 4.2 Embedded Connectivity to Witness Consistent Rise throughout the Forecast Period Pushing the Connected Cars Market Forward 4.2.1 Global Embedded Connectivity Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2019 4.3 Global Integrated Connectivity Showing Promising Growth in the Automotive BYOD Market Growth 4.3.1 Global Integrated Connectivity Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2019 4.4 Tethered Connectivity Maintaining Consistent Market Share 4.4.1 Global Tethered Connectivity Submarket Forecast Summary 2014-2019 4.5 Widespread Proliferation of Connected Devices Pushing Automotive BYOD Market 4.5.1 Global Smartphone Shipment Forecast 2014-2019 4.5.2 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2014-2019 4.6 Cellular M2M Connections for Automotive Industry Forecast 2014-2019 5. Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.1 Overview 5.2 Europe Leading the Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts in 2014 5.2.1 Automotive BYOD Growing at Brisk Pace in Asia-Pacific Region: Market Forecast AGR & CAGR 5.2.2 Europe Leading Regional Automotive BYOD Market Share in 2014 5.3 North America Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.3.1 North America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014-2019 5.4 Asia-Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.4.1 Asia-Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014-2019 5.5 Europe Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.5.1 Europe Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014-2019 5.6 Middle East & Africa Automot ive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.6.1 Middle East & Africa Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014-2019 5.7 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Forecasts 2014-2019 5.7.1 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014-2019 6. SWOT Analysis of the Automotive BYOD Market 2014-2019 7. Expert Opinion 7.1 NXP 7.1.1 NXP Connected Cars Portfolio 7.1.2 Key Trends & Developments in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.1.3 Primary Drivers & Restraints of the Automotive BYOD Market 7.1.4 Technological Developments in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.1.5 Regional Growth in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2 Symphony Teleca 7.2.1 Symphony Teleca Connected Cars Portfolio 7.2.2 Key Trends & Developments in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2.3 Primary Drivers & Restraints of the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2.4 Technological Developments in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2.5 Global Automotive BYOD Market Outlook 7.2.6 Regional Growth in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2.7 Challenges and Opportunities in the Automotive BYOD Market 7.2.8 Final Thoughts on the Automotive BYOD Market 8. Leading Companies in the Automotive BYOD Ecosystem 8.1 Overview of Leading Companies 8.2 Airbiquity 8.2.1 Airbiquity Future Outlook 8.3 Apple (CarPlay) 8.3.1 Apple Future Outlook 8.4 AT&T 8.4.1 AT&T Future Outlook 8.5 BMW 8.5.1 BMW Future Outlook 8.6 Broadcom 8.6.1 Broadcom Future Outlook 8.7 Chrysler 8.7.1 Chrysler Future Outlook 8.8 Daimler AG 8.8.1 Daimler AG Future Outlook 8.9 Ford Motor Company 8.9.1 Ford Future Outlook 8.10 FreeScale 8.10.1 FreeScale Future Outlook 8.11 General Motors Company 8.11.1 General Motors Future Outlook 8.12 Google 8.12.1 Google Future Outlook 8.13 Honda 8.13.1 Honda Future Outlook 8.14 IBM 8.14.1 IBM Future Outlook 8.15 Intel 8.15.1 Intel Future Outlook 8.16 NXP< br>8.17 Panasonic 8.17.1 Panasonic Future Outlook 8.18 Qualcomm 8.18.1 Qualcomm Future Outlook 8.19 Samsung 8.19.1 Samsung Future Outlook 8.20 Sierra Wireless 8.20.1 Sierra Wireless Future Outlook 8.21 Softbank 8.21.1 Softbank Future Outlook 8.22 Symphony Teleca 8.22.1 Symphony Teleca Future Outlook 8.23 Tech Mahindra 8.23.1 Tech Mahindra Future Outlook 8.24 Tesla Motors 8.24.1 Tesla Future Outlook 8.25 Toyota Motor Corporation 8.25.1 Toyota Future Outlook 8.26 Verizon Wireless 8.26.1 Verizon Wireless Future Outlook 8.27 Volkswagen 8.27.1 Volkswagen Future Outlook 8.28 WirelessCar 8.28.1 WirelessCar Future Outlook 8.29 Other Leading Companies in the Automotive BYOD Market 9. Conclusion 9.1 Automotive BYOD Market Overview 9.2 Important Factors Affecting the Automotive BYOD Market 9.3 How Mobile Network Operators can Create a Viable Business Model for the Automotive BYOD Market 9.4 Automo tive BYOD Influence & Future Market Potential 9.5 Points Emerged from this Research 9.6 Global Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 9.7 Global Connected Car Shipments Forecast 2014-2019 9.8 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 9.9 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 10. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1 Global Cloud Computing Services Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.1 Global Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.2 Global Connected Car Shipments Forecast 2014-2019 (million, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion) Table 4.2 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 (AGR %) Table 4.3 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket CAGR Forecast (%) 2014-2019, 2014-2016, and 2016-2019 Table 4.4 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Share Forecast 2014-2019 (%) Table 4.5 Embedded Solutions Submarket Drivers & Restraints Table 4.6 Global Embedded Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.7 Integrated Solutions Submarket Drivers & Restraints Table 4.8 Global Integrated Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.9 Tethered Solutions Submarket Drivers & Restraints Table 4.10 Global Tethered Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.11 Global Smartphone Shipment Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 4.12 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 4.13 Cellular M2M Connections for Automotive Industry Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 5.1 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billions) Table 5.2 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 (AGR %) Table 5.3 Regional Automotive BYOD Market CAGR Forecast (%) 2014-2019, 2014-2016, and 2016-2019 Table 5.4 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014-2019 (%) Table 5.5 North America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.6 North America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast by Connectivity Type 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.7 Asia-Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.8 Asia Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Forecast by Connectivity Type 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.9 Euro pe Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.10 Europe Automotive BYOD Market Forecast by Connectivity Type 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.11 Middle East & Africa Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.12 Middle East & Africa Automotive BYOD Market Forecast by Connectivity Type 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.13 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.14 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast by Connectivity Type 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the Automotive BYOD Market 2014-2019 Table 8.1 Other Leading Companies in the Automotive BYOD Market 2014 Table 8.2 Organizations Working Towards Development in the Automotive BYOD Market 2014 Table 9.1 Global Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014, 2016, 2019 ($ billion, CAGR %) Tab le 9.2 Global Connected Car Shipments Forecast Summary 2014, 2016, 2019 (million, CAGR %) Table 9.3 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast Summary 2014, 2016, 2019 ($ billion, CAGR %) Table 9.4 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast Summary 2014, 2016, 2019 ($ billion, CAGR %) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 2.1 Connected Car Breakdown by Connectivity Type Figure 2.2 Global Cloud Computing Services Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ bn, AGR%) Figure 3.1 Global Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.2 Glo bal Connected Car Shipments Forecast 2014-2019 (million, AGR%) Figure 4.1 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($ bn) Figure 4.2 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 (AGR %) Figure 4.3 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Share Forecast 2014 (%) Figure 4.4 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Share Forecast 2016 (%) Figure 4.5 Global Automotive BYOD Submarket Share Forecast 2019 (%) Figure 4.6 Global Embedded Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.7 Global Embedded Connectivity Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 4.8 Global Integrated Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.9 Global Integrated Connectivity Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 4.10 Global Tethered Connectivity Submarket Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.11 Global Tethered Connectivity Submarket Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 4.12 Global Sm artphone Shipment Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%) Figure 4.13 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%) Figure 4.14 Cellular M2M Connections for Automotive Industry Forecast 2014-19 (ml, AGR%) Figure 5.1 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($ bn) Figure 5.2 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 (AGR%) Figure 5.3 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014 (%) Figure 5.4 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2016 (%) Figure 5.5 Regional Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2019 (%) Figure 5.6 North America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.7 North America Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 5.8 Asia-Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.9 Asia-Pacific Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 5.10 Europe Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.11 Europe Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 5.12 Middle East & Africa Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.13 Middle East & Africa Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) Figure 5.14 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Forecast 2014-2019 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.15 Latin America Automotive BYOD Market Share Forecast 2014, 2016 and 2019 (% Share) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report Abarth Accenture Acura Aeris Communic ation Airbiquity Alfa Romeo Alpine Altia AppAnnie Apple AT&T Inc Automatic Lab Axeda Baojun Becker Beijing Automotive Group Bentley BharatBenz Blackberry BMW Bosch Broadcom BU Automotive Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chevrolet China Mobile China Unicom Chrysler Group LLC Cisco Clarion CloudCar Cloudmade Continental Corp Daimler AG Dash Delphi Denza Dodge Ericsson Ferrari Fiat Ford FPV (Ford Performance Vehicles) FreeScale Freightliner Fujitsu Ten Garmin Gemalto General Motors Green Hills Software Halo Applications and Communications, LLC Harman Hertz NeverLost Holden Honda Motor Company HP Hughes Telematics (acquired by Verizon) Hyundai IBM Infiniti Intel Jaguar Jie Fang JVC Kenwood KAMAZ KIA Lamborghini Lancia Land Rover Lexus LG Mahindra Group Mazda Mercedes AMG Mercedes-Benz Microsoft Mitsubishi Fuso Mobica Mocana Motorola Nest Labs Neusoft Nissan Motor Company Nokia Nvidia NXP Semiconductor N.V. Onstar by General Motors Opel Panasonic Parrot OEM Pebble Technology Pioneer PSA Peugeot Citroën QNX Qualcomm Quickplay Media Ram Red Bend Software Renault-Nissan Alliance Renesas Rolls-Royce Motor Company Sagemcom SAIC Samsung Setra Siemens Sierra Wireless SiriusXM Smart Automobile Softbank Sony Sprint Nextel Group Stitcher Subaru Suzuki Motor Corporation Symphony Teleca Tech Mahindra Telefonica Telefonica S.A TeliaSonera Tesla Motors Thomas Built Buses Tobii Technology TomTom Toyota Troller TRU Technologies UzDaewoo Auto Vauxhall Verizon Communications Verizon Wireless Volkswagen Volvo Wavecom Waze(bought by Google in June 2013) Western St ar Wind River WirelessCar Wuling XS Embedded (XSe) Yelp Zendrive ZMP Zubie Car Organisations Mentioned in This Report Connected Car expo Connected Car Forum (CCA) GENIVI Alliance GSMA Intel Capital Connected Car Fund Open Alliance Open Automotive Alliance ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for EUR1373/ USD1649/ GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for EUR3599/ USD4499/ GBP2999 (Not suitable for librar y usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for EUR5999/ USD7499/ GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for EUR8399/ USD9999/ GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
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