Top 20 Mobile Health (mHealth) Companies 2015 Innovators in Mobile Fitness, Telemedicine, eHealth & Remote Patient Monitoring Publication date: 20 March 2015 Number of Pages: 183< /span> ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The advent of connected devices and M2M is offering a tremendous opportunity for healthcare professionals. Near-ubiquitous mobile networks are allowing carers to diagnose, monitor, and communicate with patients with unprecedented speed and efficacy. mHealth is a term used for the practice of medicine and health services, through mobile devices. In its most common form, it refers to using mobile communication devices, such as smartphones and tablets, for health services and information mHealth applications include the use of mobile devices in collecting community and clinical health data, delivery of healthcare information to practitioners, researchers, and patients, real-time monitoring of patien t vital signs, and direct provision of care, via mobile telemedicine. Top 20 Mobile Health (mHealth) Companies 2015: Innovators in Mobile Fitness, Telemedicine, eHealth & Remote Patient Monitoring report provides impartial mHealth sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: our informed, independent, objective analysis and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key strengths and weaknesses behind leading players and their competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with quantitative data. ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 Current mHealth Market Overview 1.2 MHealth Market Segmentation 1.3 Why You Should Read This Re port 1.4 How This Report Delivers 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include: 1.6 Benefits of this Report 1.7 Who is This Report For? 1.8 Methodology 1.9 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.10 Associated Visiongain Reports 1.11 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the Mobile Health (mHealth) Market 2.1 mHealth Market Structure Overview 2.1.1 Opportunities for Mobile Operators 2.2 Key Definitions 2.2.1 mHealth Definition 2.2.2 eHealth Definition 2.2.3 Telemedicine Definition 2.2.4 Health Informatics Definition 2.3 mHealth Drivers 2.3.1 The role of Developed Economies on the mHealth Market? 2.4 Expected Impact of mHealth 2.5 mHealth App Categories 3. The Global and Regional Mobile Health: The State of the Market 2015 3.1 mHealth initiative 3.2 Growth in mHealth Revenue 3.3 Global mHealth Ecosystem Members 3.4 Market and Revenue Segmentation 3.4.1 Revenue Streams from mHe alth 3.4.2 Applications and mHealth 3.4.3 Application Usage Statistics 4. Regional and National mHealth Markets 2014 4.1 Regional mHealth Usership 2014 4.2 Positioning of Regional and National mHealth Markets: Where are the Leaders Making the Greatest Inroads? 4.2.1 North American mHealth Outlook 4.3 The Latin American mHealth Market and Outlook 4.3 The Asia-Pacific mHealth Market 4.4 The European mHealth Market 4.5 The Middle East and African mHealth Market 2014 5. Top 20 Leading mHealth Companies: Innovators, Disruptors, and Incumbents 5.1 AirStrip Technologies 5.1.1 AirStrip ONE 5.1.2 AirStrip Accelerator Services 5.1.3 Partners and Customers AirStrip Partnership With Samsung 5.2 AliveCor 5.2.1 AliveCor Heart Monitor USPs 5.2.2 AliveCor Gains Extra Investment for International Expansion 5.2.3 AliveCor Supports UCSF's Online Health eHeart Study 5.2.4 Market Position and Recognition for New Algorithms and Detectors 5.3 Apple Inc. 5.3.1 Apple's mHealth Strategy 5.3.2 mHealth Apps – Does Apple Have a Monopoly? 5.3.3 Apple and the Healthcare Industry 5.3.4 New Devices, Strategies, and Partnerships Health App a Major First Step for Apple into Fitness Apple Watch Apple Healthkit 5.4 AT&T ForHealth 5.4.1 AT&T mHealth Solutions 5.4.2 Creating Connected mHealth Apps 5.4.3 mHealth Pilot Programs Smart Slippers Employee Diabetes Management 5.4.4 Mobile Resource Management 5.4.5 AT&T Vitality GlowCaps 5.4.6 HipLink 5.5 Athenahealth Inc. 5.5.1 Discovering New Revenue Opportunities in the Digital Age 5.5.2 Reinventing the Healthcare Practice 5.5.3 Athenahealth Current Offerings 5.5.4 Athenahealth Acquires Epocrates 5.5.5 Plunging Deeper into the Hospital Market 5.6 Boston Scientific 5.6.1 Latitude NXT 5.6.2 Partnerships and Remote Monitoring Products at Multi-National Scale 5.7 CardioNet 5.7.1 CardioNet MCOT 5.7.2 MCOT Study 5.7.3 Event and Holter Monitoring 5.8 Cerner 5.8.1 PowerChart Touch: Cerner Utilising its Strength in Electronic Patient Records to Deliver a Pertinent mHealth Solution 5.8.2 Partnerships and Acquisitions Working with Apple for Faster and Wider Delivery of Patient Data Cerner Purchase of Siemens Health Services 5.9 Epocrates Epocrates mHealth Offerings The New "Epocrates Bugs + Drugs" App Epocrates Monetising mHealth Offerings – Analysis 5.10 Fitbit 5.10.1 Fitbit Tracker 5.10.2 Fitbit Flex Fitbit Force 5.10.3 Fitbit Charge Charge App 5.10.4 Fitbit Surge: Lateral Shift into the Smartwatch Arena 5.10.5 Analysis of the Fitbit Business Model 5.11 Honeywell Life Care Solutions 5.11.1 LifeStream Solutions Portfolio: 'Healthcare to Selfcare' 5.11.2 LifeStream Products Care Prov ider Software LifeStream Genesis Touch: Purpose-Built Mobile Patient Monitoring Device 5.12 Jawbone 5.12.1 Jawbone's UP Product Line UP24 and Improvements on the Platform 5.12.2 UP 3.0 and UP24 – New Wristband Addition 5.12.3 Jawbone mHealth Acquisitions 5.13 Motion Computing 5.13.1 Motion Computing's mHealth Offerings 5.14 Nike 5.14.1 Nike mHealth Product Overview 5.14.2 Nike+ FuelBand Nike / Apple Monopoly Barriers to FuelBand Uptake 5.14.3 Situating the FuelBand in Nike's Brand Strategy 5.14.4 FuelBand Analysis and Market Standing 5.15 Qualcomm Life, a Qualcomm Company 5.15.1 2net Platform The 2net Hub and 2net Mobile 5.15.2 Qualcomm Life Acquires HealthyCircles 5.15.3 Qualcomm Life Ecosystem 5.15.4 Qualcomm Announces mHealth Momentum in Europe 5.16 Sanofi 5.16.1 Sanofi iBGStar and the Future of Mobile Diabetes Treatment 5.16.2 Involvement in the Be Healthy, Be Mobile Campaign 5.17 Telcare 5.17.1 Telcare's Market and Business Model 5.17.2 Telcare's Current Offerings 5.17.3 Telcare and Telenor Connexion Partner for mHealth 5.17.4 Telcare, Inc. and Badgeville Partner 5.18 Vodafone mHealth Solutions 5.18.1 Vodafone mHealth Case Studies TRxCARE and Vodafone Help Improve Patient Care mHealth Clinical Research Patient Reported Outcomes 5.18.2 Vodafone mHealth Professional 5.18.3 Vodafone mHealth Partnerships 5.19 Voxiva 5.19.1 Voxiva Offerings Text4baby Text4kids Txt4health Text2quit Care4life Connect4health 5.19.2 Voxiva Delivers 100 Millionth Health Message 5.20 Zephyr 5.20 Zephyr Technology 5.20.1 Zephyr Bioharnesses BH3 HxM Bluetooth 5.20.2 Zephyr's BioPatch 5.20.3 ZephyrLIFE Home Remote Patient Monitoring 5.20.3 SWOT Analysis of Zephyr Technology's Portfolio and Strateg y 5.21 Other mHealth Companies and Leading Products 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1 Mobile Devices Have the Potential to Become Powerful Medical Tools 6.2 Untapped Potential for mHealth 6.3 Overcoming Obstacles to mHealth Uptake 6.4 Recommended Actions for Increasing mHealth Uptake 6.4.1 Maintain Low Costs 6.4.2 Gain the Approval of the Healthcare Industry 6.4.3 Solutions Should Offer Ease of Use and Increased Efficiency 7. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1 eHealth Definitions and Var iations Table 2.4 eHealth Definitions and Variations Table 3.1: MHealth Ecosystem Members Described Table 3.2: MHealth Ecosystem Members Described Table 3.3: MHealth Application Categories Described Table 4.1: Latin American mHealth Schemes and Operations 2014 (Project, Partners and Sponsors, Application, Activity) Table 4.2: Middle East and Africa mHealth Schemes and Operations 2014 (Project, Partners and Sponsors, Application, Activity) Table 5.1: Top 20 mHealth Companies Revenue and Market Share 2014 ($M, %) Table 5.2 Airstrip Technologies Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, contact, Website) Table 5.3: AirStrip Clinical Solutions Table 5.4: AliveCor Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.5: AliveCor's Heart Monitor USPs Table 5.6: Apple Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.7: AT&T Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market r anking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.8: AT&T Mobile Resource Management Table 5.9: AT&T HipLink USPs Table 5.x: Athenahealth Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.11: Athenahealth Current Offerings 2014 (Service, Product, Use) Table 5.12: Boston Scientific Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.13: CardioNet Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.14: CardioNet Product Offering Table 5.15: Cerner Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.16: Cerner PowerChart Touch Key Benefits Table 5.17: Epocrates Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.18: Epocrates mHealth Offering for devices Running on Apple iOS (Product, Price $, Application) Table 5.19: Epocrates mHealth Offering for devices Running on Android OS (Product, Price $, Application) Table 5.20: Fitbit Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.21: Honeywell Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.22: LifeStream Care Provider Software Table 5.23: LifeStream Apps Table 5.24: LifeStream Genesis Touch Key Features Table 5.25: Jawbone Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.26: Motion Computing Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.27: Motion Computing mHealth Solutions Use Cases and Benefits 2014 Table 5.28: Nike Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.29: Selected Nike+ mHealth Products Table 5.30: Qualcomm Life Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.31: Sanofi Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.32: Telcare O verview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.33: Telcare Offerings 2014 Table 5.34: Vodafone Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.35: Vodafone mHealth Solutions 2013 Table 5.36: Vodafone and TRxCARE Case Study Table 5.37: Clinical Research Patient Reported Outcomes Case Study Table 5.38: Voxiva Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.39: Zephyr Technology Overview 2014 (Total revenue, market ranking, % market share, HQ, Website) Table 5.40: Zephyr BH3 Technical Specifications Table 5.41: Zephy BioPatch Technical Specifications Table 5.42: SWOT Analysis of Zephyr Technology's Wearable Device Portfolio Table 5.43: Other mHealth Devices and Companies (Device Name, Type, Company, and Description) ---------------------------------------- -------------------- |
List of Charts Chart 1.1: Qualcomm Life mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 3.1: MHealth Revenue Segment Share 2015 (%) Chart 3.2: MHealth Revenue Segment Share 2015 (%) Chart 3.3: MHealth Application Category Usage Share 2015 (%) Chart 4.1: Regional mHealth Market Forecast 2014 ($ bn) Chart 4.2: Regional mHealth Market Share Forecast 2014 (%) Chart 4.3: Regional mHealth Usership 2014 (million users) Chart 4.4: Regional mHealth User Share 2014 (%) Chart 4.5: US/Canada mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 4.6: US/Canada mHealth User Share 2014 (%) Chart 4.7: Leading European National mHealth Markets Revenue Share Forecast 2014 (%) Chart 4 .8: Leading European National mHealth Markets User Share Forecast 2014 (%) Chart 5.1: Top 20 mHealth Companies' Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.2: AirStrip mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.3: AliveCor mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.4: Apple mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.5: AT&T mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.6: AirStrip mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.7: Boston Scientific mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.8: CardioNet mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.9: Cerner mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.10: Epocrates mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.11: Fitbit mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.12: Honeywell Life Care Solutions mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.13: Jawbone mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.14: Motion Computing mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.15: Nike mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.16: Qualcomm Life mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.17: Sanofi mHe alth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.18: Telcare mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.19: Vodafone mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.20: Voxiva mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) Chart 5.21: Zephyr Technology mHealth Market Share 2014 (%) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1 Global mHealth Market Structure Overview Figure 2.1 Global mHealth Market Structure Overview Figure 2.2 Telecare vs. Telehealth Infographic Figure 2.3: Categorisation and Use Cases for mHealth Technology Figure 3.1: MHealth Market Key Facts and Figures 1Q1 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 3M A&D Medical Abbott Adidas Aerotel AFrame DIGITAL AgaMatrix AirStrip AlcoSystem Alive Technologies AliveCor Amazon Ambisea AMM Technologies Andreessen Horowitz ANT+ Wireless (owned by Garmin) Apple Apple Inc. Asthmapolis AT&T Mobility Athenahealth Badgeville BAM Labs Basis Baxter Healthcare Bayer Beam Technologies Bebetel Belkin BI Biotronik Body Media Body Trace Bodybugg BodyTel Boston Li feLabs Boston Scientific Braemar Bupa Cambridge Consultant Cambridge Temperature Concepts Limited Card Guard CardioCom CardioNet Care Technology Systems Cell Novo Cell-Life Cerner CHOICE Electronic Technology ChoiceMMed Coca-Cola Compliance Meds Technologies Corscience Corventis Covidien Curvus Cypak DayaMed Dayton Industrial DELTA Diabetech DigiFit eCardio Diagnostics Echo Therapeutics ElectricFoxy Entra Health Systems Ephone International Epic Systems Epocrates ERT Everist Genomics Everist Health Exmovere FedEx Fitbit Fitbug Fora Care Foundry Group Foundry Group Gavi Alliance Genesis Health Technologies (GHT) Geneva Healthcare Glooko GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) HealthPia Healthy Circles HeathStats Hidalgo Honeywell Honeywell Life Care Solutions HP iBaby IBM ICEdot Ideal Life iDiagnosis IEM iH ealth iMonSys Ingram Micro Intelesens Iqua (Savox Group) iTMP Technology Jawbone Johnson & Johnson Khosla Ventures Kiwok Nordic AB Kyto Electronic Lark LifeScan LifeWatch LUMOback Massive Health MedApps Medical Electronic Medical International Research Medisana Mednethealth Medtronic mHealthAlert Microsoft Microsoft Research MIT Mobisante Motion Computing Motorola MTN New Element Nike Nokia Nonin Medical Novartis nSpire Numera Omron Onyx II Orange Business Services Pancreum Perfect Third Philips Philosys PHT Corporation Polar Electro Positive ID Preventice PriMed Pro Plus Proteus Digital Health Qualcomm Qualcomm Life Qualcomm Ventures RazorInsights Reebok Reka Health Renmort Technologies Rescue Alert Roche Diagnostics RS Tech Medic Runtastic Samsung Electronics Sanofi-Aventis SAP VenturesSchosche Sensaris Sequoia Capital SHL Telemedicine Siemens AG Siemens Health Services Simavita SmartHF Softbank Capital SoftTech Venture Capital Solutions4Health Sony Ericsson Sotera Wireless Sports Tracker St. Jude Medical Tanita Telcare Telcel Telcomed Telenor Connexion The Mayo Clinic Thinklabs Toumaz True Ventures Tunstall TZ Medical UFFE Medical UnderArmour Verizon Visere Vitality Vitalograph Vitaphone Vodacom Vodafone Global Enterprise Vodafone Group Vodafone UK Voxiva Vyzin Electronics Private Limited Wahoo Fitness WebMD Welldoc Westminster International Ltd Withings Y-Cam Zain Zensorium Zeo Zephyr Technology Zydacron Organisations Mentioned in This Report Accenture Development Partners AED Satellife AED Satellite America American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecolo gists (ACOG) American Diabetes Association (ADA) American Hospital Association American Hospital Association American Medical Association American Nurses Credentialing Center BabyCenter Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation CARE Nicaragua Cellular Telephone Institute of America (CTIA) Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) Colorado State University Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health Consumer Electronics Show DARPA Dimagi Inc. D-Tree International Duke University Elsevier Foundation Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania FDA Ghana Health Service Global Business Coalition (GBC) Government of Kenya Grameen Foundation GSM Association Development Fund Hospital Corporation of America Hospitalito Atitlan Imperial College London Institute for International Cooperation and Development (IICD) Instituto Carso Salud International Development Res earch Centre (IDRC) International Development Research Centre (IDRC) International Telecommunication Union International Telecommunication Union John Hopkins Health & Education in South Africa Makerere University Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Medical Clinica Medical University of Graz Millennium Villages Project Ministry of Health / National Institutes of Health, Mozambique. mPedigree National Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB) National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Latino Research Centre at California State University, San Marcos Pathfinder International President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Right to Care Rwanda Ministry of Health Rwandan Ministry of Health Scripps SMS2Printer Stanford University Hospital Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare The Earth Institute at Columbia University The Raith Foundation The SHM Foundation. The Wellcome Trust Treatment and Research AIDS Centre (TRAC) Rwanda Uganda Chartered HealthNet UNICEF United States Food and Drug Administration Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan Universidad Peruana Cayetano, Heredia Lima University of Botswana University of California, San Diego Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Libraries University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine University of Southern California University of Southern Maine University of Washington US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) US Forces US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) USAID WebMD Wireless Life Sciences Alliance (WLSA) World Health Organisation -------------------------------------------------------- ---- |
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