Mobile Mapping Market Report 2015-2020 Driving Value in Location Based Services (LBS), Local Search, Geolocation, SoLoMo, GIS &Spatial Data Publication date: 22 July 2015 Number of Pa ges: 110 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The latest report from business intelligence provider Visiongain offers comprehensive analysis of the global mobile mapping market. Visiongain assesses that this market will generate revenues of $30.56 billion in 2015. Now: Uber Loses $3bn Bid For Nokia HERE Maps To German Car Makers. This is an example of the business critical headline that you need to know about - and more importantly, you need to read The latest report from business intelligence provider visiongain offers comprehensive analysis of the global mobile mapping market. Visiongain assesses that this market will generate revenues of $30.56 billion in 2015. How this report will benefit youRead on to discover how you can exploit the future business opportunities emerging in this sector. Visiongain's new study tells you and tells you NOW. In this brand new report you find 69 in-depth tables, charts and graphs PLUS AN EXCLUSIVE interview – all unavailable elsewhere. The 110 page report provides clear detailed insight into the global mobile mapping market. Discover the key drivers and challenges affecting the market. By ordering and reading our brand new report today you stay better informed and ready to act. Report Scope • Global mobile mapping market forecasts from 2015-2020 • Regional mobile mapping market forecasts from 2015-2020 covering Asia-Pacific, South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, and North America, further subdivided into 5 submarkets providing 30 market spaces for further granularity • Country mobile mapping forecasts from 2015-2020 covering China, the US, the UK, and Japan also further subdivided into the 5 submarkets, providing a further 20 markets segments and insight into the market. • Mobile mapping submarket forecasts from 2015-2020 covering location-based services, location-based mobile search, indoor mapping, 3D mapping, and licensing. These forecasts are at the global level and regional level revealing 30 market spaces to explore • Analysis of the key factors driving growth in the global, regional and country level mobile mapping markets from 2015-2020 • Profiles of the leading 6 mobile mapping companies in 2015 analysing their products and future prospects • An Interviews with key opinion leaders Elliott Hamilton of TeleCommunications Systems, informing and underpinning the analysisisiongain's objective analysis of how this will impact your company and the industry more broadly. How are you and your company reacting to this news? Are you sufficiently informed? -------------- ---------------------------------------------- |
Table of Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 Global Mobile Mapping Market Overview 1.2 Global Mobile Mapping Market Structure 1.3 Why You Should Read This Report 1.4 How This Report Delivers 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include: 1.6 Who is This Report For? 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports 1.10 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the Mobile Mapping Market 2.1 Vast Potential for LBS Driven by Smartphones and Social Media 2.2 Early Challenges in Monetising Mobile Mapping 2.3 New Form Factors are Amplifying the Mobile Arena 2.4 Mobile Local Search 2.5 Location Technologies that Enable Maps on Mobile Devices 2.6 What are the Main Use Cases for Mobile Mapping? 2.6.1 Practical Applications of Mobile Mapping and Geolocation 2.7 Technical Considerations 2.8 Market Definition 3. Global Mobile Mapping Forecasts and Projections 2015-2020 3.1 Defining the Market Size 3.2 Global Mobile Mapping Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 3.3 Global LBS Market Leading Segment Forecasts 2015-2020 4. Regional Location-Based Services Forecasts 2015-2020 4.1 Outlining the Dominant World Regions 4.2 Regional Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 4.3 North American Mobile Maps Forecasts 2015-2020 4.3.1 North American Mobile Maps Segment Forecast 2015-2020 4.3.2 US National Mobile Maps Forecasts 2015-2020 4.4 Latin American Mobile Maps Forecasts 2015-2020 4.4.1 Latin American Mobile Mapping Segment Forecasts 2015-2020 4.5 Asia-Pacific Mobile Mapping Fo recasts 2015-2020 4.5.1 How Asian Vendors Plan to Develop and Master Indoor LBS Accuracy, and Revenue Implications Thereof 4.5.2 Asia-Pacific Mobile Maps Segment Forecasts 2015-2020 4.5.3 Chinese National Mobile Maps Market Forecast 2015-2020 4.5.4 Japanese National Mobile Maps Market Forecast 2015-2020 4.6 European Mobile Mapping Forecasts 2015-2020 4.6.1 European Mobile Mapping Segment Forecasts 2015-2020 4.6.2 The UK National Mobile Mapping Forecast 2015-2020 4.6.3 Effects of Automotive Legislation on Connected Mobile Map Subscription Base in Europe 4.6.4 What will be the impact of Intersec Releasing a New Version of IGLOO? 4.7 Middle East and African Mobile Mapping Forecasts 2015-2020 5. Current Mobile Mapping Market Analysis 5.1 How Will the Growth of Apps Affect LBS and MLS? 5.1.1 Understanding the Relevance of Social Media 5.1.2 Uses for LBS – Consumer vs. Enterprise 5.2 The Consumer Mobile Mapping Value Chain 5.4 Loc ation-Based Media 5.5 The Importance of the Global Mobile Advertising Market 5.5.1 Location-based Advertising: Push vs. Pull 5.5.2 What will be the Potential Impact of LBA? 5.6 Mobile Local Search to Reap Greatest Revenues? 5.6.1 How to Monetise Mobile Local Search? 5.6.2 Which are the Best Mobile Local Search Business Models? Caller Pays Model Advertiser Pays Model Hybrid Model 5.6.3 Summary and Analysis of Mobile Local Search Business Models 5.7 Geo Fencing - Location-based Marketing 5.7.1 Geo Fencing – Other Potential Uses 5.8. How to Monetise Location-Based Applications 5.9 LBS for Enterprise – A Better Opportunity for Monetisation? 5.9.1 Business Case for Location Apps and M2M in Enterprise 5.10 Monetising Strategy – How Can Carriers Turn Location-Based Apps into Revenue? 5.11 How Can Carriers Monetise LBS? 5.11.1 Learn how Privacy and Fraud Issues Hamper Carrier Benefits 5.11.2 How the Revenue Sha re Model is Preventing Carrier Involvement 5.11.3 How are Operators becoming Essential Players in the LBS Market? 5.11.4 Operators Able to use Customer Segmentation for LBS 6. Leading Companies in the Mobile Mapping Market 6.1 Foursquare 6.1.1 Foursquare History and Recent Developments 6.1.2 Recent Developments and Additions 6.1.2 How is Foursquare being Monetised? Implementing Database Access Charges 6.2 TomTom 6.2.1 Read About TomTom's Recent Developments 6.2.3 TomTom Navigator 6.2.4 TomTom for Android 6.3 Google Maps 6.3.1 How Has Google Maps Impacted the Broader Mobile Mapping Market 6.3.2 How Does Google Monetise its Mapping Services? 6.3.3 Integrated Services 6.4 TeleCommunications Systems 6.4.1 TCS Status as an End-to-end LBS Services Provider TCS Application Suite 6.5 Nokia and Qualcomm Partnership Makes Bid to Advance Interior Positioning Technology Market 6.5.1 Nokia HERE – Delivering Precision to Indoor Mapping 6.5.2 Qualcomm Bringing Positioning Capabilities to the Equation 6.5.3 Speculation of HERE Acquisition by Uber and Implications for the Broader Automotive Industry 6.6 ViaMichelin 6.6.1 ViaMichelin on Mobile 6.7 Other Leading Vendors in Mobile Mapping 7. Expert Opinion 7.1 Elliott Hamilton, Senior Director of Strategic Planning, TeleCommunications Systems 7.1.1 Mobile Mapping Rudiments and Core Offerings from an Operator or Vendor Perspective 7.1.2 Defining Revenue Streams for Location-Based Applications 7.1.3 Market Outlook for Tethered and Native In-Vehicle Connectivity 7.1.4 Vendor Response to Consumer Cries for Greater Mobile Privacy and Security 7.1.5 Impact of Wearable Smart Devices on the Mobile Mapping Market 7.1.6 LBS Market Dynamics in the Different World Regions: Contributing Factors and Trends 8. Conclusions and Recommendations 8.1 Global and Regional Mobile Mapping Revenue Fo recast and Analysis 2015-2020 8.2 What Are the Most Successful Revenue Models in the Mobile Mapping Sphere? 8.3 Who will Emerge as the leader In the Mobile Mapping Market? 8.4 Visiongain's Recommendations for Operator Success 8.4.1 Recommendations for Operator Entry into the Mobile Mapping Market 8.5 What are the Barriers to Mobile Mapping Success? 8.6 Drivers for Mobile Mapping Success in the Current Market 8.7 What Are the Features of a Successful Mapping Application? 8.9 Concluding Statements 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Li st of Tables Table 2.1: Enabling Technologies for Mobile Maps Table 2.2: Mobile Maps Application Archetypes Table 2.3: Essential Components of Mobile Maps Described Table 3.1: Global Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 3.2: Global Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 3.3: Global Mobile Maps Segment Share Forecast 2015-2020 (%) Table 4.1: Regional Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.2: North American Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.3: North American Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.4: US National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.5: US National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue F orecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.6: Latin American Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.7: Latin American Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.8: Asia-Pacific Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.9: Asia-Pacific Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.10: Chinese National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.11: Chinese National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.12: Japanese National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.13: Japanese National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.14: European Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.15: European Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.16: UK National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.17: UK National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 4.18: MEA Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.19: MEA Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Table 5.1: Global Mobile Advertising Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.2: Routes to Monetisation of Mobile Maps Apps Table 6.1: TomTom for Android Key Features Table 6.2: TCS End-to-end Mobile Maps Infrastructure Product List Table 6.3: Leading Mobile Maps Vendors and Related Products Table 8.1: Leading Revenue and Monetisation Strategies for Mobile Mapping Vendors Table 8.2: Key Features of a Successful Commercial Mobile Maps Application ----------------------- ------------------------------------- |
List of Charts Chart 1.1: Japanese National Mobile Mapping Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %) Chart 3.1: Global Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Chart 3.2: Global Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 3.3: Global Mobile Maps Segment Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%) Chart 4.1: Regional Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.2: Regional Mobile Maps Revenue Share Forecast 2015; 2017; 2020 (%) Chart 4.3: North American Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.4: North American Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billio n) Chart 4.5: US National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.6: US National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.7: Latin American Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.8: Latin American Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.9: Asia-Pacific Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.10: Asia-Pacific Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.11: Chinese National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.12: Chinese National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.13: Japanese National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.14: Japanese National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.15: European Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.16: European Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2 015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.17: UK National Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.18: UK National Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 4.19: MEA Mobile Maps Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 4.20: MEA Mobile Maps Segment Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Chart 5.1: Global Mobile Advertising Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %) Chart 6.1: Foursquare Check-in Share by Location Type 2014 (%) Chart 6.2: Global TomTom Revenue Share by Business Division 2013 (%) Chart 6.3: Global TomTom Revenue Share by Business Division 2014 (%) Chart 6.4: Global TomTom Revenue Share by Sales Type 2013 (%) Chart 6.5: Global TomTom Revenue Share by Sales Type 2013 (%) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1: Mobile Mapping Market Structure Overview Figure 2.1: Geolocation Technologies and How They Interrelate Figure 2.2: LBS Essential Component Infographic Figure 5.1: LBS App Ecosystem Infographic ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report Alcatel-Lucent Alexa Amazon Apple AT&T Atheros , Inc. Audi AG Autonavi Badoo Baidu Base Bharti Airtel BlackBerry Blendr BMW BouyguesTelecom Bravo Broadcom China Mobile Condé Nast Creativity Software eBay E-Plus Ericsson FamilyMap Flickr Foursquare Garmin GM Gowalla Grindr Groupon HERE (Nokia) IndoorAtlas Intersec Leap Wireless Loopt Magellan Mapbox MapMyFitness MapQuest Mercedes-Benz MetroPCS Michelin Group Microsoft MobileLBS Moblog Motorola Solutions MTS Russia MyTown Navizon Navteq New York Times Nintendo Nokia NTT DoCoMo O2 Onstar OpenStreetMap Panoramio Placecast Polaris Wireless Portugal Telecom Qualcomm Rummble RunKeeper RX Networks Samsung Samsung Electronics SFR SFR Shopkick Skyhook Wireless Snocator Sony Sprint Telecom TeleCommunications Systems Inc. (TCS) Telefónica< br>TeleNav Telus Mobility The Strategis Group TomTom Trimble Outdoors TruePosition Uber UbiEst Urbanspoon Verizon ViaMichelin Viettel Vine Vodafone Volkswagen Where 2 Technologies Wind Italia Yahoo! Yellow Pages Yelp Zagat ZTE Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report Canada Geographical Information System Canadian Land Inventory CTIA – The Wireless Association Environmental Systems Research Institute European Union Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics In-location Alliance New York University The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for EUR1373/ USD1649/ GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for EUR3599/ USD4499/ GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for EUR5999/ USD7499/ GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for EUR8399/ USD9999/ GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
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