Top Companies in the 3D Printing Market 2015-2025 Revenue Prospects, Market Shares and Competitive Landscape Analysis Publication date: 14 May 2015 Number of Pages: 164 |
In a broad sense 3D printing is not a new phenomenon. The first commercial 3D printers were designed and launched in the United States in the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, additive manufacturing (AM) has now reached a growth phase after twenty years of incubation. Visiongain anticipates the global 3D printing market to exhibit high growth rates in the upcoming years. For 2015, we forecast global 3D printing sales to reach $3.81 billion. Are you involved in the 3D printing market or intend to be? If so, then you need to read this exclusive report about the leading 3D printing companies to position yourself for maximum potential. Market scope: Additi ve manufacturing (AM) has now reached a growth phase after twenty years of incubation. With the number of vendor companies multiplying and new technologies being developed annually, the 3D printing market is undergoing something of a renaissance. Expertise in alloys, robotics, design, and software are being exploited in order to deliver new, faster, and more economical building processes. Nations and leading companies have been pushing to surpass each other in terms of who can deliver the first 3D printed house, automobile chassis, or live, functioning organ. In so doing, these proponents are altering the landscape of consumer product manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, and countless other industries for the foreseeable future. As a consequence, Visiongain anticipates the global 3D printing market to exhibit high growth rates in the upcoming years. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 Global 3D Printing Market Overview 1.2 Global 3D Printing Market Segmentation 1.3 Why You Should Read This Report 1.4 How This Report Delivers 1.5 Key Questions Answered by This Analytical Report Include: 1.6 Who is This Report For? 1.7 Methodology 1.8 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.9 Associated Visiongain Reports 1.10 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the 3D Printing Market 2.1 3D Printing Market Definition 2.2 3D Printing: What is It About? 2.3 3D Printing Process 2.4 3D Printing Technologies 2.4.1 Stereolithography 2.4.2 Digital Light Processin g (DLP) 2.4.3 Laser Sintering/Laser Melting 2.4.4 Extrusion/Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)/Freeform Fabrication (FFF) 2.4.5 Inkjet Binder Jetting Material Jetting 2.4.6 Selective Deposition Lamination (SDL) 2.4.7 Electron Beam Melting (EBM) 2.5 3D Printing Materials 2.5.1 Plastics 2.5.2 Metals 2.5.3 Ceramics 2.5.4 Paper 2.5.5 Bio Materials 2.5.6 Food 2.5.7 Other 3. The Global 3D Printing Market 2015-2025 3.1 Global 3D Printing Market Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 3.2 Challenges and Opportunities in Years to Come 3.2.1 Materials 3.2.2 Software 3.2.3 Data Management 3.2.4 Sustainability 3.2.5 Affordability 3.2.6 Speed 3.2.7 Reliability 3.2.8 Intellectual property 3.2.9 Standards 3.2.10 Business Funding 3.2.11 Education 3.3 Key External drivers 3.3.1 Technological change for Television Networks and Providers 3.3.2 Demand from Architects 3.3.3 Demand from Manufact uring 3.3.4 Trade-weighted Index 3.3.5 Demand from Medical Device Manufacturing 4. Leading 3D Printing Companies in Europe 4.1 Stratasys 4.1.1 Stratasys Printing Systems 4.1.2 Stratasys Consumable Materials 4.1.3 Stratasys Integrated Software 4.1.4 Stratasys Industry Presence 4.1.5 Stratasys Geographical Presence 4.1.6 Stratasys Recent M&A Activity 4.1.7 Stratasys SWOT Analysis 4.1.8 Stratasys Future Outlook 4.2 Renishaw 4.2.1 Industrial Metrology Machine Tools Gauging Styli for Probe Systems Position Encoders Performance Testing Products Spatial Laser Measurement Additive Manufacturing Fixtures Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Products 4.2.2 Healthcare Neurosurgical Planning Software Neurosurgical Robot Neurosurgical Implants Dental Structures Manufacturing Service Den tal Scanners Dental CAD Software Hybrid Raman Systems Molecular Diagnostics Raman Microscopes 4.2.3 Renishaw Geographical Presence 4.2.4 Renishaw Industry Presence 4.2.5 Renishaw Future Outlook 4.3 Arcam AB 4.3.1 Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Technology Controlled Vacuum Technology Warm Process Arcam MultiBeam™ 4.3.2 Arcam Products 4.3.3 Arcam Industry Presence 4.3.4 Arcam Geographical Presence 4.3.5 Arcam Recent M&A Activity 4.3.6 Arcam SWOT Analysis 4.3.7 Arcam Future Outlook 4.4 VoxelJet 4.4.1 Voxeljet Business Segments 4.4.2 Voxeljet 3D Printers 4.4.3 Voxeljet Materials 4.4.4 Voxeljet On-demand Parts Services 4.4.5 Voxeljet Customers 4.4.6 Voxeljet Recent M&A Activity 4.4.7 Voxeljet SWOT Analysis 4.4.8 Voxeljet Future Outlook 4.5 SLM Solutions 4.5.1 SLM Segment SLM Systems Accessories Services 4.5 .1.4 Consumables 4.5.2 RP Segment Vacuum Casting Consumables & Equipment Services 4.5.3 SLM Solutions Geographical Presence 4.5.5 SLM Solutions SWOT Analysis 4.5.6 SLM Solutions Future Outlook 4.6 EnvisionTEC 4.6.1 EnvisionTEC 3D Printing Technologies Digital Light Processing (DLP) Scan, Spin and Selectively Photocure (3SP) 3D-Bioplotter 4.6.2 EnvisionTEC 3D Printing Materials 4.6.3 EnvisionTEC Industry Presence 4.7 EOS 4.7.1 EOS Global Presence 4.7.2 Systems & Solutions Systems and Equipment for Plastics Systems and Equipment for Metals Materials Material Management Part Property Management Services Software 4.7.3 EOS Industry Presence 4.7.4 EOS SWOT Analysis 4.8 Materialise 4.8.1 The 3 Sides of Materialise 3D Printing Software Medical Industrial Production Breaking It All Down 4.8.2 Materialise Industry Presence 4.8.3 Materialise Geographical Presence 4.8.4 Materialise Recent M&A Activit 5. Leading 3D Printing Companies in US 5.1 3D Systems 5.1.1 3D Printing Technologies & Printer Solutions SLA Printers SLS Printers DMS Printers MJP Printers CJP Printers FTI Printers PJP Printers 5.1.2 3D Printing Materials SLA Print Materials and Composites SLS Print Materials and Composites Metal Materials VisiJet Print Materials PJP Print Materials 5.1.3 3DS Software Solutions 5.1.4 3DS Scanners 5.1.5 3DS Industry Presence 5.1.6 3DS Geographical Presence 5.1.7 3DS Recent M&A Activity 5.1.8 3DS SWOT Analysis 5.1.9 3DS Future Outlook 5.2 Autodesk 5.2.1 Platforms 5.2.2 Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5.2.3 Manufacturing 5.2.4 Media & Entertainment 5.2.5 Autodesk Geographical Presence 5.2.6 Autodesk Industry Presence 5.2.7 Recent M&A Activity 5.2.8 Autodesk SWOT Analysis 5.2.9 Autodesk Future Outlook 5.3 ExOne 5.3.1 What is Binder Jetting and How Does It Differ From Other Additive Techniques? 5.3.2 ExOne 3D printing Systems 5.3.3 ExOne Industry Grade Materials 5.3.4 3D Printing Binders 5.3.5 ExOne Industries & Applications 5.3.6 ExOne Geographical Presence 5.3.7 ExOne Recent M&A Activity 5.3.8 ExOne SWOT Analysis 5.3.9 ExOne Future Outlook 5.4 Optomec 5.4.1 Optomec Printed Electronics Aerosol Jet Technology Aerosol Jet System Configurations Aerosol Jet Materials Aerosol Jet Applications 5.4.2 Aerosol 3D Printed Metals LENS Technology LENS Systems LENS Materials LENS Applications 5.5 Organovo 5.5.1 Bioprinted Human Tissue Living Human Tissue Architecturally Correct Tissue Bioprinting Advantages Scientific Origins 5.5.2 exVive3D™ Human Tissue Models & Services for Research 5.5.3 Organovo Industry Presence 5.5.4 Organovo Future Outlook 5.6 Graphene 3D Lab 5.6.1 Graphene 5.6.2 Graphene 3D Lab's Technology 5.6.3 Graphene 3D Lab Future Outlook 6. 3D Printing Industry PESTEL Analysis 2015 6.1 Political Influences on the Market 6.2 Economic Influences on the Market 6.3 Social Influences on the Market 6.4 Technological Influences on the Market 6.5 Environmental Influences on the Market 6.6 Legal Influences on the Market 7. Expert Opinion 7.1 Brian Thompson, Senior Vice President, PTC Creo Product Management at PTC 7.1.1 3D Printing Becoming Mainstream 7.1.2 Potential in Metal 3D Printing 7.1.3 Continuous Market Consolidation 7.2 Dr Bettina Keck, Public Relations, Arburg 7.2.1 The Plastics Proce ssing Market is Changing 7.2.2 Freeform Arburg in Additive Manufacturing 7.2.3 Consumer and Industrial Technologies 8. Conclusions 8.1 The Global 3D Printing Market 2015-2025 8.2 Leading 3D Printing Companies 8.3 Leading 3D Printing Technologies 8.4 Conclusions 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 3.1 Global 3D Printing Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Stratasys Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Mark et Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 4.2 Stratasys Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.3 Renishaw Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 4.4 Renishaw Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.5 Arcam AB Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 4.6 Arcam AB Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.7 Voxeljet Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Conta ct, Website) Table 4.8 Voxeljet Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 4.9 SLM Solutions Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 4.10 SLM Solutions Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.1 3D Systems Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.2 3D Systems Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.3 Autodesk Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.4 Autodesk Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR % , Cumulative) Table 5.5 ExOne Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue $bn, 3D Printing Revenue $bn, % Revenue from 3D Printing, Market Ranking, % Market Share, Primary Sector, CEO, HQ, Number of Employees, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 5.6 ExOne Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR %, Cumulative) Table 5.7 Optomec Jet Printers Table 5.8 Optomec LENS Printers ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1: 3D Printing Market Structure Overview Figure 3.1 Global 3D Printing Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 3.2 3D Printing P roducts & Services Breakdown 2015 Figure 4.1 Stratasys 3D Systems Figure 4.2 Stratasys Consumable Materials Figure 4.3 Stratasys Industry Presence Figure 4.4 Stratasys Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.5 Stratasys SWOT Analysis Figure 4.6 Stratasys Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 4.7 Renishaw Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.8 Renishaw Geographical Presence Figure 4.9 Renishaw Industry Presence Figure 4.10 Renishaw Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 4.11 Arcam Products Figure 4.12 Arcam Industry Presence Figure 4.13 Arcam Geographical Presence Figure 4.14 Arcam Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.15 Arcam SWOT Analysis Figure 4.16 Arcam AB Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 4.17 Voxeljet Business Segments Figure 4.18 Voxeljet SWOT Analysis Figure 4.19 Voxeljet Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 4.20 SLM Segment Products Figure 4.21 SLM Solutions Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.22 SLM Solutions Sales by Sector 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.23 SLM Solutions Industry Presence Figure 4.24 SLM Solutions SWOT Analysis Figure 4.25 SLM Solutions Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 4.26 EnvisionTEC 3D Printers Figure 4.27 EnvisionTEC 3D Printing Materials Figure 4.28 EOS Global Client Base Figure 4.29 EOS Global Presence Figure 4.30 EOS Plastic Systems Figure 4.31 EOS Metal Systems Figure 4.32 EOS Industry Presence Figure 4.33 EOS SWOT Analysis Figure 4.34 Materialise Sales by Sector 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 4.35 Materialise Industry Presence Figure 4.36 Materialise Geographical Presence Figure 4.37 Materialise Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 5.1 3DS Technologies Figure 5.2 3DS Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 5.3 3DS SWOT Analysis Figure 5.4 3D Systems Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %)Figure 5.5 Autodesk Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 5.6 Autodesk Sales by Sector 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 5.7 Autodesk SWOT Analysis Figure 5.8 Autodesk Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 5.9 ExOne 3D Printers Figure 5.10 ExOne 3D Printing Binders Figure 5.11 ExOne Industries & Applications Figure 5.12 ExOne Geographical Presence Figure 5.13 ExOne Sales by Region 2014 (% Revenue Share) Figure 5.14 ExOne SWOT Analysis Figure 5.15 ExOne Revenue Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR %) Figure 5.16 Aerosol Jet Materials Figure 5.17 LENS Printers Figure 6.1 3D Printing Industry PESTLE Analysis 2015: Summary Figure 6.2 3D Printing Technological Influences Figure 8.1 Global 3D Printing Market Forecast 2015-2025 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 8.2 Leading Companies 3D Printing Market Share 2015 (% share) ---------------------------------- -------------------------- |
Companies Mentioned in this report Adafruit Afinia Alphaform Amazon American Precision Machining American Precision Prototyping AP&C Arburg Arcam AB Autodesk Bitsquid AB BMW botObjects BSI Cimatron Concept Laser CRDM Daimler AG Delcam DiSanto EADS EnvisionTEC EOS ExOne E-Prototypy Ford Gartner General Electric Gentle Giant Studios GrabCAD Graphene 3D Lab Harvest Technologies Hasbro Helisys Hershey Co Interfacial Solutions Laser Reproductions LayerWise Lego Liebherr Machin-A-Mation MakerBot Marcam EngineeringMaterialise Mcor Technologies Medical Modeling Inc. MoMA MWT Naiad Nike Nokia Optomec Organovo OrthoView Holdings OUYA Phenix Systems PI-VR Ponoko Porsche Pramati Propshop PTC Raymor Industries Realizer Renishaw Robtec Shotgun Software Simbionix SLM Solutions Solid Concepts Staples Inc Stratasys Tonka Volkswagen Voxeljet Xerox 3D Systems 3T RPD Other Organisations Mentioned in This Report ASTM International Cambridge University Design and Technology Association (DTA) The International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) Loughborough University Newcastle university Royal Academy of Engineering Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Technical university of Munich UC Berkeley University of Nottingham University of Rostock University of Southampton Vaal University of Technology ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for EUR2249/ USD2699/ GBP1799 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for EUR3599/ USD4499/ GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for EUR5999/ USD7499/ GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for EUR8399/ USD9999/ GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
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