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Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Market 2015-2020 mEducation, Distance, Open & e-Learning in Higher Education & Enterprise IT & Telecoms Report Publication date: 21st January 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
The MOOC's market is exhibiting great potential to grow exponentially over the next few years. In 2015, the technology is poised to see substantial uptake due to the growing number of connected devices, high enrolment rates in MOOCs, the increasing acceptance of MOOCs based training in enterprises around the globe and the increasing demand for low cost, high quality and globalised education. Consumer devices such as smartphones, tablets, wearable gadgets and eReaders are currently enjoying high adoption rates across the globe. With the ever increasing number of connected devices, MOOCs has the potential to disrupt higher education through widespread uptake of distance learning. MOOCs appears as a very lucrative and commercially interesting solution for many companies looking to implement effective training programs for employees, MOOCs have the potential to revolutionize the corporate learning industry. Visiongain believes that 2015 will be a pivotal year and one of significant growth for MOOCs market as vendors address demands of higher education providers, schools and organizations. Not only will the MOOCs market flourish across education & learning sector. This growth will also generate additional demand across many industries especially wireless infrastructure, big data and cloud computing. The IT sector will also witness huge growth through widespread implementation of Big Data to derive maximum value from the valuable data collected via MOOCs and Cloud services for the seamless delivery of MOOCs no matter where you are located. As a consequence, Visiongain expects global MOOCs revenue to reach $1.5 billion in 2015. Visiongain's 136 page report contains 87 tables, charts and graphs that add visual analysis in or der to explain developing trends within the MOOCS market. Visiongain provides forecasts for the period 2015-2020 in terms of value (US$) for the global MOOCS market, as well as for submarket forecasts. In addition, five regional MOOC markets are forecast and analysed by visiongain over the period 2015-2020. The report also provides profiles of 22 leading vendors operating within the market and key developments in the vendor landscape. Why you should buy the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Market 2015-2020 What is the future of the MOOCs market? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content delivering solid conclusions benefiting your analysis and illustrates new opportunities and potential revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help to direct your future business strategy. We guarantee in this 136 page report that you will receive key information:< br> • View global MOOCs market forecasts and analysis from 2015-2020 to keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities - The report provides detailed sales projections of the market, the competitors, and the commercial drivers and restraints allowing you to more effectively compete in the market. You will also discover original critical analysis, revealing insight into commercial developments • Discover forecasts for the key vertical MOOCs submarkets from 2015-2020 - What are the dynamics within the MOOCS sector? How will these markets expand? Which submarkets will generate the most revenue? Use our forecasts and expert insight to grow your business and give you more industry influence. Find where you can gain and how your organisation can succeed. Avoid falling behind. Stay informed about the potential for each of these MOOCS submarkets with individual forecasts and analysis from 2015-2020: - xMOOCs- cMOOCs • Understand the prospects for the leading regional MOOCS markets – where will the highest revenues and opportunities occur? - Learn about the market potential for MOOCS companies broken down into 5 regional markets, from 2014.onwards. You will see where and how opportunities exist with revealing regional market forecasts and analysis from 2015-2020: - North America forecast 2015-2020 - Asia Pacific forecast 2015-2020 - Europe forecast 2015-2020 - Middle East & Africa 2015-2020 - Latin America forecast 2015-2020 • Explore the factors affecting product developers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing market dynamics. - Explore the SWOT issues assessing product advances. Discover what the present and future outlook for business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues - - Research and development (R&D) strategy - Technological issues and constraints. - Mar ket drivers & restraints - Supply and demand dynamics - Competition from new product types - Increasing specialisation by leading players - Increasing industry consolidation. - Advances in product quality • Identify who the leading companies are in the MOOCs industry - Our report reveals the technologies and companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies: See where the expected gains will be. View visiongain's assessment of the prospects for established MOOC competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, helping you stay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 22 leading MOOCS companies examining their positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies, M&A activity, and future outlook. - Absolute Software - 2U - Academic Partnerships - Apple Inc. - Cengage Learning - Codecademy - Coursera Inc. - Degreed - Education Portal - EdX - Elsevier - Embanet-Compass, LLC - FutureLearn, Ltd. - Instructure Inc. - Khan Academy - Lynda.com - Piazza Technologies, Inc. - ProctorU Inc. - SMARTHINKING, Inc. - StraighterLine - The Saylor Foundation - Udacity, Inc. - Udemy Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the MOOCs market The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Market 2015-2020 report provides impartial MOOCs sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis, exclusive interviews and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors.< br> With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involves an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global, submarket and regional markets forecasts from 2015-2020 Why choose visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. How the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Market 2015-2020 report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysis of the MOOCs market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions and expert opinion providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit your research, analyses and strategic d ecisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahead of the competition you must order now our report the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Market 2015-2020: mEducation, Distance, Open & e-Learning in Higher Education & Enterprise. How this brand new 136 page report delivers: • 87 tables, charts and graphs analysing the MOOC market • Global MOOC market forecast and analysis from 2015-2020 • 2 MOOC submarket forecasts covering the period 2015-2020 • 5 regional MOOC market forecasts and analysis from 2015-2020 • Analysis of the MOOC value chain, ecosystem and technologies • SWOT analysis of the factors influencing the MOOC industry < br>• Assessment of 22 leading MOOC companies ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecomreports.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Report Overview 1.1 MOOC's Market Set to Take-off in 2015 1.2 Aim of the Report 1.3 Structure of the Report 1.4 Report Scope 1.5 Highlights in the report include: 1.6 Who is This Report For? 1.7 Questions Answered by this Report 1.8 Benefits of This Report 1.9 Methodology 1.10 Associated Reports 2. Introduction to the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Market 2.1 What are MOOCs? 2.2 MOOCs Potential to Disrupt Higher Education Market 2.3 MOOCs Potential for K-12 Level Education 2.4 MOOCs Can Effectively Revolutionize for Corporate Learning/Training 2.5 MOOCS Submarkets: 2.5.1 xMOOCs 2.5.2 cMOOCs 2.6 Drivers behind MOOCs Growth 2.6.1 Unlimited Students 2.6.2 Massive Growth in Smartphones, Tablets and Connected Devices for Personal and Business Use 2.6.3 Mobile Internet Devices and Mobile Applications and Related Ecosystem Will Continue to Grow 2.6.3 Self-paced Learning 2.6.4 No Pre-requisites 2.6.5 Accessibility 2.6.6 Flexibility 2.6.7 Widespread LTE Deployment 2.6.8 Ever Increasing Plethora of Cloud Hosted Services and Apps 2.7 Barriers to Growth 2.7.1 Low Completion Rates 2.7.2 Issue of Accreditation 2.7.3 Motivational Problems 2.7.4 Production and Organization of Courses 2.7.5 Assessing Student Performance 2.7.6 Lack of Student-Teacher Interaction 2.7.7 Unclear Business Models 2.7.8 Bandwidth Capacity Issues Could Hamper MOOCs Uptake in Lesser Developed World 2.8 Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud Serving as the Principal MOOCs Delivery Model 2.8.1 Cloud Computing Architecture 2.9 Big Data a Catalyst for Spurring Innovation & Prod uctivity in MOOCs Market 2.9.1 Significant Enterprise Interest Driving the Big Data Market Forward 3. Global Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Market 2015-2020 3.1 Significant Interest from Higher Education and Corporate Sector Uptake Driving the MOOCs Market Forward 3.2 Significant Potential for MOOCs Market as Enrolment Rates Rise Rapidly 3.2.1 Low Completion Rates the Biggest Hurdle Faced by MOOCs 3.3 Widespread Proliferation of Connected Devices Pushing MOOCs Market 3.3.1 Global Smartphone Shipment Forecast 2015-2020 3.3.2 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2015-2020 3.4 Rapidly Rising Interest Signalling Significant Potential for MOOCs as Interest Rises From Students around the World 3.5 Global Learning Management Systems (LMS) Market Forecast 3.6 Global E-Learning Market Forecast 2015-2020 4. The Global MOOCS Submarket Forecasts 2015-2020 4.1 What are the Leading Submarkets in the Global MOOCs Forecast 2015-2020? 4 .1.1 Global MOOCs Submarket Forecast AGR & CAGR 4.1.2 MOOCs Submarket Share 4.2 xMOOCs to Witness Consistent Growth throughout the Forecast Period Pushing the MOOCs Market Forward 4.2.1 Global xMOOCs Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2020 4.3 Global cMOOCs Promising Growth 4.3.1 Global cMOOCs Submarket Forecast Summary 2015-2020 5. Regional MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.1 Overview 5.2 North America Leading the Regional MOOCs Market Forecasts in 2015 5.2.1 MOOCs Growing at Brisk Pace in Asia-Pacific Region: Market Forecast AGR & CAGR 5.2.2 North America Leading Regional MOOCs Market Share in 2015 5.3 North America MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.3.1 North America MOOCs Market Forecast Summary 2015-2020 5.4 Asia-Pacific MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.4.1 Asia-Pacific MOOCs Market Forecast Summary 2015-2020 5.5 Europe MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.5.1 Europe MOOCs Market Forecast Summary 2015-2020 5.6 Middle East & Africa MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.6.1 Middle East & Africa MOOCs Market Forecast Summary 2015-2020 5.7 Latin America MOOCs Market Forecasts 2015-2020 5.7.1 Latin America MOOCs Market Forecast Summary 2015-2020 6. SWOT Analysis of the MOOCs Market 2015 7. Leading Companies in the MOOCs Ecosystem 7.1 2U 7.2 Academic Partnerships 7.3 Apple Inc. 7.4 Cengage Learning 7.4.1 CourseMate 7.4.2 CourseMaster 7.4.3 Course360 7.5 Codecademy 7.6 Coursera Inc. 7.7 Degreed 7.8 Education Portal 7.9 EdX 7.10 Elsevier 7.11 Embanet-Compass, LLC 7.12 FutureLearn, Ltd. 7.13 Instructure Inc. 7.14 Khan Academy 7.15 Lynda.com 7.16 Piazza Technologies, Inc. 7.17 ProctorU Inc. 7.18 SMARTHINKING, Inc. 7.19 StraighterLine 7.20 The Saylor Foundation 7.21 Udacity, Inc. 7.22 Udemy 7.23 Other Leading Companies in the MOOCs Value Chain 8. Conclusion 8.1 MOOCs Mark et Overview 8.2 Enterprises Shift to MOOCs to Fulfil Corporate Training Needs 8.3 Investments in MOOCs to Quadruple over the Forecast Period 8.4 How MOOC providers can Create a Viable Business Model for the MOOC Market 8.5 Influence of MOOCs & Future Market Potential 9. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1 SaaS Characteristics Table 2.2 Cloud Deployment Models Table 2.3 Global Big Data Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.1 Global MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.2 Global MOOCs Enrolment Forecast 2015-2020 (million, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.3 Global MOOCs Enrolment Forecast vs. Completion Rates Forecast, Completion Rates Percentage 2015-2020 (million) Table 3.4 Global Smartphone Shipment Forecast 2015-20 (ml, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 3.5 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2015-20 (ml, AGR%, CAGR%) Table 3.6 Global Addressable Target Audience for MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 (billion, AGR %, C AGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.7 Global Learning Management Systems (LMS) Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 3.8 List of Popular Learning Management Systems Table 3.9 Global E-Learning Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.1 Global MOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion) Table 4.2 Global MOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Table 4.3 Global MOOCs Submarket CAGR Forecast (%) 2015-2020, 2015-2017, and 2017-2020 Table 4.4 Global MOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2015-2020 (%) Table 4.5 Global xMOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 4.6 Global cMOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.1 Regional MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billions) Table 5.2 Regional MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Table 5.3 Regional MOOCs Market CAGR Forecast (%) 2015-2020 , 2015-2017, and 2017-2020 Table 5.4 Regional MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015-2020 (%) Table 5.5 North America MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.6 Asia-Pacific MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.7 Europe MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.8 Middle East & Africa MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 5.9 Latin America MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR %, CAGR%, Cumulative) Table 6.1 SWOT Analysis of the MOOCs Market 2015 Table 7.1 2U Graduate Partner Universities Table 7.2 Coursera Partner Universities Table 7.3 Colleges and Universities Which Accept CLEP Transfer Credit Table 7.4 List of EDX Charter Members Table 7.5 List of Online Courses Offered by Elsevier Table 7.6 List of Embanet-Compass' Academic Partners Table 7.7 List of Futurelearn's Partner Universities Table 7.8 List of Futurelearn's Non University Partners Table 7.9 List of Futurelearn's Subject Offerings Table 7.10 List of Futurelearn's Premiere Partners Table 7.11 List of Instructure's Certified Partners Table 7.12 List of Topics for Khan Acedemy Free MOOCs Table 7.13 List of Topics for Lynda.com MOOCs Table 7.14 Membership Packages for Lynda.com MOOCs Table 7.15 List of Universities Using Piazza Services Table 7.16 ProctorU's Higher Education Partners Table 7.17 Smarthinking Service Users Table 7.18 List of StraighterLine's Partner Universities Table 7.19 Saylor Academy's Credit Partner Universities Table 7.19 Udacity List of Courses Table 7.20 List of Udacity Course Designers Table 7.21 List of Udemy Courses Table 7.22 Other Leading Companies in the MOOCs Value Chain 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 2.1 SaaS for Business Value Drivers & Enablers Figure 2.2 Cloud Computing Model Figure 2.3 Cloud Deployment Models Figure 2.4 Global Big Data Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn, AGR%) Figure 3.1 Global MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ billion, AGR%) Figure 3.2 Global MOOCs Enrolment Forecast 2015-2020 (million, AGR%) Figure 3.3 Global MOOCs Enrolment Forecast vs. Completion Rates Forecast, Completion Rates Percentage 2015-2020 (million, %) Figure 3.4 Global Smartphone Shipment Forecast 2015-20 (ml, AGR%) Figure 3.5 Global Tablet Shipment Forecast 2015-20 (ml, AGR%) Figure 3.6 Global Addressable Target Audience for MOOCs Forecast 2015-2020 (million, AGR%) Figur e 3.7 Global Learning Management Systems (LMS) Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 3.8 Global E-Learning Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.1 Global MOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn) Figure 4.2 Global MOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR %) Figure 4.3 Global MOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2015 (%) Figure 4.4 Global MOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2017 (%) Figure 4.5 Global MOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2020 (%) Figure 4.6 Global xMOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.7 Global xMOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 4.8 Global cMOOCs Submarket Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 4.9 Global cMOOCs Submarket Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 5.1 Regional MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($ bn) Figure 5.2 Regional MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 (AGR%) Figure 5.3 Regional MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015 (%) Figure 5.4 Regional MOOCs Market Share For ecast 2017 (%) Figure 5.5 Regional MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2020 (%) Figure 5.6 North America MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.7 North America MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 5.8 Asia-Pacific MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.9 Asia-Pacific MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 5.10 Europe MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.11 Europe MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 5.12 Middle East & Africa MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.13 Middle East & Africa MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) Figure 5.14 Latin America MOOCs Market Forecast 2015-2020 ($bn, AGR%) Figure 5.15 Latin America MOOCs Market Share Forecast 2015, 2017 and 2020 (% Share) ------------------------------ ------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 1-800-Flowers.com Inc. 23andme 2U 500 Startups Acade.me Academic Earth Academic Partnerships Accel Partners Adobe Alison Amazon Amazon Web Services (AWS) Apnacourse Apple Aspiredu AT&T Atomic Learning Autodesk Bank of New York Mellon Corp. BBC Bessemer Venture Partners BlackBerry Blackboard Inc. Boundless Brightpearl Cadence Canvas Network Cengage Learning, Inc. CERTPOINT Systems Inc. Chalk & Wire Charles River Ventures China Mobile Chrysalis Ventures Cisco CityLight Capital Class Central ClickView Cloudera Codecademy College Board Complir ConnecteduCopia Copley Retention Systems Coursera CourseSmart Curricki Degreed Desire2Learn (D2L) Digication eCollege Edmodo Education Portal Eliademy Elsevier Embanet-Compass Ensemble Video EPIC Ventures Equella EvauationKIT Examity eXplorance Financial Times FirstMark Capital Follett France Université Numérique FutureLearn Ginkgotree Groupon Hack Reactor Harvard Business Publishing Highbeam Research Hooked on Phonics HotChalk Houghton Mifflin College Division Iclicker Informetica Insight Venture Partners Instructional Connections Instructure Internships.com Intuit ITWorx iversity Janux - the University of Oklahoma JoomlaLMS Kaltura Knowledge Universe Latitude Learning LLC Lightbank Capital Lynda.com, Inc. Macmillan Higher Education McGraw-Hill Education MediaCore Mediasite MeetingOne Meridian Knowledge Solut ions MHS Capital Microsoft Corporation Miríada X MongoDB MOOC.fr Museum of Modern Art My Big Campus National Geographic School Publishing Ning Norwest Venture Partners NovoEd Nvidia One Month Open Education Europa Open HPI, Hasso Plattner Institute Open Yale courses Open2Study (Australia) OpenHPI Chinese-language MOOC portal. OpenLearning OpenView Venture Partners Oracle Corporation PAL Publications Panopto Pearson PLC Penguin Books Piazza Technologies Poll Everywhere PowerSchool ProctorFree ProctorU Qualt Qualtrics QuestionMark ReadSpeaker Realizeit Respondus Response Rosetta Stone Safari Montage Salesforce SAP SAP Schoology Sclipo ScootPad SharePointLMS Sharestream Smarthinking SoftChalk Spectrum Equity Spongelab SRI International SSLearn StraighterLine Study.net SuccessFactors SumTotal Systems SyMynd Taleo TeamWox Technology Crossover Ventures The National Film and Television School The Princeton Review Thomson Reuters Corporation Torsh Turning Technologies Udacity Inc. Udemy Unow Verificient Technologies Video2Brain GmbH Vitalect VitalSource Voice Proctor Wacom Watchittoo WebAssign WebStudy Wiley WizIQ YouTube Zipfian Other Organisations Mentioned in this Report Abilene Christian University Adelphi University Adventist University of Health Sciences Alcorn State University American Council on Education American InterContinental University American Public University American Society for Training & Development American University Amherst College Arizona State University Asbury University Ashford UniversityaTutor Auburn University Australian National University Ave Maria University Bay State College Bellevue University Benjamin Frankling Institute of Technology Berkeley Berklee College of Music Berkley University of California Bethel University Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Boston University Brandeis University Brandman University Brown University California Baptist University California Southern University Caltech Canvas Capella University Capitol Technical University Carlos Slim Foundation Carnegie Foundation Carnegie Mellon University Open Learning Initiative Case Western Reserve University Chamilo Champlain College Charter Oak State College Claroline Colorado State University Colorado Technical University Columbia University Concordia University Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, École normale supérieure de Cachan, University of Paris-Sud Cornell University Dartmouth Deakin University DePaul University DeVry University DoceboLMS Drexel University Duke University Eastern Kentucky University Educational Testing Service (ETS) EduWave edX eFront Emerson College Emory University Excelsior College Expertus Fedena Fisher College Flooved Florida State University George Mason University George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Institute of Technology Grambling State University Grand Canyon University Granite State College Great Bay Community College Griffith University Harvard University Herzing University Hodges University IESE Business School IIT Delhi, Des Moines Area Community College ILIAS John F. Kennedy University Kansas State University Kaplan University Kent State University Khan Academy King's College London Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Kyoto University Lake City Commu nity College LAMS Lancaster University LaTrobe University Lemann Foundation Library of Congress Life Pacific College London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Loughborough University Marylhurst University Maryville University Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) McGill McNeese State University Michigan State University Midland College Minerva Schools Monroe College Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Moodle MOOEC National University of Singapore New England College New Jersey's Science & Technology University New York Public Library Newbury College Newcastle University North Eastern University North Virginia Community College Northcentral University Northern Illinois University Northwestern University Norwich University Ohio University OLAT Open Learn Open University, Australia Open University, UK Oregon State University Oxford Unive rsity Paradiso LMS Patten University Paul Smith's College Peer to Peer (P2P) University Peking University Pepperdine University Pine Manor College Portland State University Princeton University Purdue University Queen's University Belfast Raritan Valley Community College Rasmussen College Regis University Reynoldsburg City School (eSTEM Academy) Rice University Royal Holloway, University of London Rutgers University Saint Leo University Sakai Santa Fe College School of Business & Trade -Sobat School of Visual Arts Seoul National University Simmons College Sorbonne University Southern Methodist University Southern New Hampshire University Southwestern Community College Stanford Online Stanford University Stetson University Strayer University Sungkyunkwan University SWAD Syracuse University TechChange Temple University Texas A&M University The American Counci l on Education The British Council The British Library The British Museum The George Washington University The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay The MacArthur Foundation The National College Credit Recommendation Service The National Science Foundation The Open University The Saylor Foundation The University of Alabama The University of Arizona The University of Chicago The University of Hong Kong The University of Miami The University of Queensland The University of Texas The University of Tokyo Thomas Edison State College Thomas Jefferson School of Law TOPYX Totara LMS Touro University Trident University Trinity College Truckee Meadows Community College Tsinghua University U.S. Department of Education Udacity Open Education Alliance Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, University of Florence, University of Hamburg Universidad Catól ica de Chile Universidad Latina Universitat Politècnica de València University of Aberdeen University of Alabama at Birmingham University of Arizona University of Arkansas University of Auckland University of Bath University of Birmingham University of Bridgeport University of California University of California at Irvine University of Chicago University of Cincinnati University of Colorado University of Delaware University of Edinburgh University of Exeter University of Florida University of Glasgow University of Illinois University of Illinois at Chicago University of Kentucky University of Leeds University of Leicester University of Liverpool University of London University of Louisville University of Maryland University of Massachusetts University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of New England University of New Hampshire University of New South Wales, Taylor's University, University of Canberra University of North Carolina University of Notre Dame University of Nottingham University of Oregon University of Oslo University of Pennsylvania University of Phoenix University of Pittsburgh University of Potomac University of Reading University of Rochester University of San Francisco University of Sheffield University of Southampton University of Southern California University of Strathclyde University of Tennessee University of Texas University of the People University of Tokyo University of Toronto University of TX at Dallas University of Virginia University of Warwick University of Waterloo University of Wisconsin Universtiy of Mass. - Lowell UPEx Upper Iowa University Utah State University Utica College Vanderbilt University Vermont Law School Virginia Tech Volunteer State Community College Wake Forest University Walden University< br>Washington State Washington University Washington University in St.Louis WeBWorK Western Governors University Westfield State University WikiEducator Wikiversity Yale Yonsei University ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ----------------------------------------------------------- - |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecomreports.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Lorenzo Tacchio Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020 Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others IT & Telecoms Report Publication date: 6th March 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
In the next five years visiongain expects to observe strong growth in terms of IoT connections and revenues, driven by the increasing investment from private companies and a handful of government institutions that understand the dramatic effect that this technology will have in the global economy by 2020. Current developments in the Industrial and medical IoT technologies are expected to transform the speed and ease of deployment, allowing a much faster adoption rate and providing larger benefits to society. Contrastingly, Transportation IoT and other IoT initiatives (including Smart City) are not expected to grow at the same rate as Industrial or Medical IoT. Visiongain has analysed and segmented the five most important submarkets within global IoT market, providing a forecast for the 2015-2020 period for both connections and revenues. This 222 page report contains 213 tables, charts and figures providing a clear understanding of how the markets will evolve and wh ich industries will reap the largest benefits from IoT. Our report also provides a forecast for regional revenues and the top 10 national IoT markets in terms of connections. Additionally, we provide an overview of the Top 30 IoT companies with their specific offering and their position in the IoT value chain. How the Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020: Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others report will be of value This report will be of value to current and future investors and market players in the market. Companies and operators with an interest in developing new IoT services, launching their services in new geographies or looking to broaden their knowledge of this paradigm will also find this report of value. Why you should buy the Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020: Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others Report What are the future pro spects for the leading IoT verticals? Visiongain's comprehensive analysis contains highly quantitative content, delivering solid conclusions, benefiting your own analysis and illustrating new opportunities and revenue streams helping you to remain competitive. This definitive report will benefit your decision making and help you to direct your future business strategy. • View global internet of things (IoT) market forecasts from 2015-2020 to keep your knowledge ahead of your competition and ensure you exploit key business opportunities - The report provides detailed projections of connections and revenues in the market, the competitors, and the commercial drivers and restraints allowing you to more effectively compete in the market. In addition to market forecasts from 2015-2020, our new study shows current market revenues, global connections, latest developments in different verticals, original critical analysis, and revealing insight into national markets. • See Internet of things (IoT) submarket forecasts for connections and revenues by industry vertical from 2015-2020 - Industrial Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 - Industrial Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 - Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Agriculture - Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Oil & Energy - Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Retail - Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Manufacturing & Others - Transportation Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 - Transportation Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 - Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Sea Transport - Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Connected Cars - Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Aviation - Smart Home Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 - Smart Home Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 - Smart Home Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020: Smartphones - Smart Home Inte rnet of Things Connections 2015-2020: Utilities - Medical Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 - Medical Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 - Other Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 (Including Fixed Broadband & Government) - Other Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 (Including Fixed Broadband & Government) • Discover regional IoT revenue forecasts from 2015-2020 - What are the dynamics of the IoT industry? How will these markets expand? Which regions will generate the most revenue? Use our forecasts and expert insight with 16 Charts and tables dedicated at giving you a clear picture of the regional IoT markets, giving you more industry influence and the opportunity to grow your business. Find where you can gain and how your organisation can succeed. Avoid falling behind. Stay informed about the potential for each of these IoT regional markets with individual forecasts and analysis from 2015-2020. - European IoT revenue Forecast 2015-2020. - Asia Pacific IoT revenue Forecast 2015-2020. - North American Region IoT revenue Forecast 2015-2020. - Latin American Region IoT revenue Forecast 2015-2020. - Middle East & Africa Region IoT revenue Forecast 2015-2020. • Find connection forecasts for the Top 10 national markets from 2015-2020 - Chinese IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - United States IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - Japanese IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - Indian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - Russian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - German IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - Brazilian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - Indonesian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - United Kingdom IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 - South Korean IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 • Explore the factors affecting product developers, and everyone within the value chain. Learn about the forces influencing marke t dynamics. - Explore the economic, social, technological and regulatory issues assessing IoT advances. - Discover what the present and future outlook for business will be. Learn about the following business critical issues: - Regulatory constraints - Supply and demand dynamics - Competition from different companies - Increasing changes on the telecoms sector - Different types of verticals and IoT services - Advances in product development - Analysis of barriers to entry - Increase competition in the IoT market - The importance of government initiatives and support • Identify who the leading companies are in the IoT industry - Our report reveals the companies which hold the greatest potential. In particular, exploring and analyzing the activities of these companies. View visiongain's assessment of the prospects for established competitors, rising companies, and new market entrants. Our work explains that potential, helping you st ay ahead. Gain a thorough understanding of the competitive landscape with profiles of 32 leading IoT companies examining their positioning, capabilities, product portfolios, R&D activity, services, focus, strategies and future outlook. - AT&T - Apple - Axeda - Berkeley Varitronics Systems - Cisco Systems - China Mobile - China Unicom - Deutsche Telekom - General Electric GE - IBM - ILS Technology - iMetrik Solutions - Jasper Wireless - Kore Telematics - Microsoft - Novatel Wireless - NTT DoCoMo - Numerex - Orange - SensorLogic - Sierra Wireless - SIMCom Wireless Solutions - Sprint Corporation - Telecom Italia SpA - Telefónica S.A - TeliaSonera - Telit Wireless Solutions - Verizon Communications - Vodafone Group Plc - Wilson Electronics - Wyless Discover Information found nowhere else in this independent assessment of the IoT market The Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020: Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others report provides impartial IoT sector analysis. With the independent business intelligence found only in our work, you will discover where the prospects are for profit and growth. In particular, our new research provides you with key strategic advantages: Our informed forecasts, independent and objective analysis and revealing company profiles will provide you with that necessary edge, allowing you to gain ground over your competitors. With this report you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss crucial business opportunities. You will save time and receive recognition for your market insight. See how you this report could benefit and enhance your research, analysis, company presentations and ultimately your individual business decisions and your company's prospects. What makes this report unique? Visiongain's research methodology involve s an exclusive blend of primary and secondary sources providing informed analysis. This methodology allows insight into the key drivers and restraints behind market dynamics and competitive developments. The report therefore presents an ideal balance of qualitative analysis combined with extensive quantitative data including global, national and regional markets forecasts from 2014-2019 Why choose visiongain business intelligence? Visiongain's; increasingly diverse sector coverage strengthens our research portfolio. The growing cross-sector convergence of key verticals and the interplay of game changing technologies across hitherto unrelated industries are creating new synergies, resulting in new business opportunities for you to leverage. How the Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020: Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others Report can benefit you Visiongain's report is for anyone requiring analysi s of the IoT market. You will discover market forecasts, technological trends, predictions providing you with independent analysis derived from our extensive primary and secondary research. Only by purchasing this report will you receive this critical business intelligence revealing where revenue growth is likely and where the lucrative potential market prospects are. Don't miss this key opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. Avoid falling behind your competitors, overlooking critical business opportunities or losing industry influence. In our new report you will discover forecasts from 2015-2020 at the global, national and regional level. The report also assesses technologies, competitive forces and expected national changes. Read on to discover more about the Internet of Things market and find out what its future market prospects are. If you buy our report today your knowledge will stay one step ahead of your competitors. Discover how our report could benefit y our research, analyses and strategic decisions, saving you time. To gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this market and stay one step ahead of the competition you must order now our report the Internet of Things (IoT) Market Forecast 2015-2020: Smart Home, Connected Transportation, Medical IoT, Industrial IoT & Others. How this brand new 222 page report delivers: • 213 tables, charts and graphs analysing the IoT market • Global IoT connections forecast and analysis 2015-2020 • Global IoT revenue forecast and analysis 2015-2020 • Regional IoT revenues forecast and analysis 2015-2020 • Top 10 national IoT markets measured by the number of connections 2015-2020 • Smart Home Connections and revenues expected from 2015-2020 • Industrial IoT Connections and revenues expected over 2015-2020 • Medical IoT Connections and revenues expected during 2015-2020 • Transportation IoT Connections and revenues expected for the period 2015-2020 • Other IoT (including government and fixed communications) connections and revenues expected over the period 2015-2020 • Profiles of 32 leading IoT companies ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Internet of Things Could Revolutionize The Global Economy 1.2 Market Definition 1.3 Market Segmentation 1.4 Benefits of This Report 1.5 Methodology 1.6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1.7 About Visiongain 2. Introduction to the Internet of Things Market 2.1 What Defines the Internet of Things? 2.2 M2M Technology is the Backbone behind the Massive Potential in the Internet of Things Market 2.2.1 M2M History and Recent Developments 2.3 A Benefits Derived From Internet of Things 2.4 IoT Applications by Industry 2.5 Cloud to Play Pivotal Role in the Internet of Things Industry Boom 2.6 Big-Data to Explode With the Rise in Internet of Things Market 2.7 Growth in the Wireless Sector 2.8 The Internet of Things Value Chain 3. Global Forecasts for IoT Revenues & Connections 2015-2020 3.1 Global Forecast for IoT Connections 2015-2020 3.2 Global IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-202 0 4. Regional IoT Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 4.1 North American Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 4.2 LATAM Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 4.3 European Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 4.4 APAC Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 4.5 MEA Revenue Forecasts 2015-2020 5. Internet of Things Sub-Segment Revenues & Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 5.1Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 5.1.1Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 5.1.2 Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Agriculture 5.1.3 Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Oil & Energy 5.1.4 Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Retail 5.1.5 Global Forecasts for the Industrial Internet of Things 2015-2020: Manufacturing & Others 5.2 Global Forecasts for the Transportation Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 5.2.1 Glo bal Forecasts for the Transportation Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 5.2.2 Global Forecasts for the Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Sea Transport 5.2.3 Global Forecasts for the Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Connected Cars 5.2.4 Global Forecasts for the Transportation Internet of Things 2015-2020: Aviation 5.3 Global Forecasts for the Smart Home Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 5.3.1 Global Forecasts for the Smart Home Internet of Things Revenues 2015-2020 5.3.2 Global Forecasts for the Smart Home Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020: Smartphones 5.3.3 Global Forecasts for the Smart Home Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020: Utilities 5.4 Global Forecasts for the Medical Internet of Things Connections 2015-2020 5.4.1 Global Forecasts for the Medical Internet of Things Connections 5.4.2 Global Forecasts for the Medical Internet of Things Revenues Global Forecasts for the Medical Internet of Thin gs Revenues 5.5 Global Forecasts for Other Internet of Things (Including Fixed 5.5.1 Global Forecasts for Other Internet of Things (Including Fixed 6. Top Ten National IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.1 Chinese IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.2 United States IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.3 Japanese IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.4 Indian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.5 Russian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.6 German IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.7 Brazilian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.8 Indonesian IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.9 United Kingdom IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 6.10 South Korean IoT Connections Forecasts 2015-2020 7. Drivers & Constraints For The Internet of Things 7.1 Drivers of The Internet of Things 7.1.1 Cost savings 7.1.2 Creating New Revenue Streams 7.1.3 Connected Devices Growing Rapidly 7.1.4 IoT Gaining Popul arity 7.1.5 Enhanced Market Segmentation 7.1.6 IoT Can be Expanded to Any Vertical 7.2 Constraints of The Internet of Things 7.2.1 IoT Solutions Can Be Expensive 7.2.2 Technical Problems 7.2.3 Limited Awareness 7.2.3 Limited Awareness 7.2.4 Security Concerns 7.2.5 Highly Fragmented Market Place 7.2.6 Unclear Business Models 8. Leading Companies in the Internet of Things Market 8.1 AT&T 8.1.1 AT&T Business Aims 8.1.2 AT&T Position In The Market 8.2 China Mobile Company Overview 8.2.1 China Mobile Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.2.3 China Mobile M2M Offerings 8.3 Vodafone Group Plc Overview 8.3.1 Vodafone Group Plc Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.3.2 Vodafone Group M2M Offerings 8.4 Deutsche Telekom Company Overview 8.4.1 Deutsche Telekom Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.4.2 Deutsche Telekom M2M Offerings 8.5 Telefónica S.A Overview 8.5.1 Telefónica S.A Historic Revenues &am p; Net Income 8.5.2 Telefónica S.A M2M Products 8.6 Verizon Communications Overview 8.6.1 Verizon Communications Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.6.2 Verizon's M2M Solutions and Overall Strategy 8.6.3 Verizon's Focus on Automotive Industry 8.7 Orange S.A Overview 8.7.1 Orange S.A Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.7.2 Orange M2M Offerings 8.8 Sprint Corporation Overview 8.8.1 Sprint Corporation Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.8.2 Sprint's Assets, Strengths, and Strategy 8.8.3 Sprint M2M Partner Ecosystem 8.9 Kore Telematics Overview 8.9.1 Kore Telematics Offerings 8.9.2 KORE Partnerships and Strategy Overview 8.10 NTT DoCoMo Overview 8.10.1 NTT DoCoMo Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.10.2 NTT DoCoMo M2M Offerings 8.11 Telecom Italia SpA Overview 8.11.1 Telecom Italia SpA Historic Revenues & Net Income 8.11.2 Telecom Italia SpA M2M Strategy 8.12 Wyless Total Revenues & M2M Connection 8.13 Axed a 8.14 SensorLogic 8.15 Sierra Wireless 8.16 Telit Wireless Solutions 8.16.1 Telit Wireless M&A 8.16.2 ILS Technology 8.17 TeliaSonera 8.18 Wilson Electronics 8.19 Novatel Wireless 8.20 SIMCom Wireless Solutions 8.21 Jasper Wireless 8.21.1 Jasper Wireless Control Center 8.21.2 Jasper Wireless-powered M2M alliance 8.22 Numerex 8.23 Berkeley Varitronics Systems 8.24 iMetrik Solutions 8.24.1 iMETRIK 8.24.2 iMetrik-COLLECT 8.24.3 iMetrik-COVER 8.24.4 iMetrik-PROTECT 8.25 IBM Company Overview 5.26 GE Company Overview 8.27 Microsoft Company Overview 8.27.1 Retail 8.27.2 Healthcare 8.27.3 Automotive 8.27.4 Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems 8.28 Google Company Overview 8.29 Apple Inc. Overview 8.30 Cisco Systems Company Overview 8.31 Other Leading Companies in the IoT Market 9. Conclusions 9.1 Internet of Things Market Drivers 9.1.1 Network Coverage 9.1.2 Telematics and Tel emetry Increasing Efficiency 9.1.3 Service Providers Need to Expand Offerings 9.1.4 IPv6 Will Increase IoT Opportunities 9.1.5 M2M Creating Scope for Development of New Applications 9.2 Internet of Things Characteristics 9.2.1 Fragmented Value Chain 9.2.2 Lack of Universal Standards 9.2.3 Marketing Challenges 9.2.4 Roaming 9.2.5 Security Concerns 9.3 Way Forward 9.3.1 Increase in M2M Partnerships 9.3.2 Standardisation 9.3.3 Measuring Data 9.3.4 New Business Models 10. Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Tables Table 2.1: IoT Applications by Industry Table 3.1: Global IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 3.2: Global IoT Sub-Segment Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Billions, AGR%) Table 3.6: Global IoT Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ B, AGR %, CAGR and Cumulative Revenues) Table 3.7: Global IoT Sub-Segment Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ B, AGR % and Cumulative Revenues ) Table 4.1: Regional IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, % Share) Table 4.4: North American Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.7: LATAM IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.10: European IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.13: APAC IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, Cumulative Revenues) Table 4.16: MEA IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR%, Cumulative Revenues) Table 5.1: Industrial IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 5.2: Industrial IoT Connections by Industry Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, IIoT AGR )Table 5.6: Industrial IoT Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR) Table 5.16: Addressable Plants, Assets and Machinery within the Energy Industry 2015 Table 5.22: Addressable Plants, Assets and Machinery within the Manufacturing Industry 2015 Table 5.23: Total Transportation Fleet and Total IoT Connected Fleet Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR)Table 5.27: Transportation IoT Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ Billions, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR) Table 5.53: Smart Home IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 5.54: Smart Home IoT Connections Forecast by Segment 2013-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 5.59: Smart Home IoT Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($B, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR) Table 5.63: Smartphones Connections Forecast 3G vs. 4G 2013-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Table 5.68: Smart Home Energy & Utilities Connections Forecast Smart Meter vs. Other 2013-2020 (Millions, AGR %) Table 5.72: Medical IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 5.77: Most Important Factors Driving Healthcare Costs Up Table 5.79: Medical IoT Revenues Forecast 2015-2020 ($ b, AGR %, Cumulative and CAGR) Table 5.83: Main Healthcare Conditions Related to Different Telemedicine Technologies Table 5.86: Other IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR % and CAGR) Table 5.90: Other IoT Revenue Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR %, Cumulative Revenues and CAGR) Table 6.1: Top 10 National IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, % Share) Table 6.3: Chinese IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.6: US IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.9: Japanese IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.12: Indian IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.15: Russian IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.18: German IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.21: Brazilian IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.24: Indonesian IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.27: UK IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 6.30: South Korean IoT Connections Forecast 2015-2020 (Millions, AGR%, CAGR) Table 8.1 AT&T Inc. Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014, Net Profit, Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.2: AT&T Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b &AGR %) Table 8.4: AT&T M2M Solution, Assets, and Advantages Table 8.5 China Mobile Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue2014, Total Company Net Income, Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.6: China M obile Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.8: Sprint M2M Solutions and Leading Verticals Table 8.9 Vodafone Group Plc Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, Net Profit, Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker, Website) Table 8.10: Vodafone Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b & AGR %) Table 8.12: Key Features and Benefits of Vodafone's M2M Solution Table 8.13: Deutsche Telekom Company 2015 (Total Revenue, Net Profit, ,Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.14: Deutsche Telekom Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b & AGR %) Table 8.16: Deutsche Telekom M2M Solution Table 8.17: Telefónica S.A. Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014, Net Profit, Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.18: Telefónica Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.20 Verizon Communications Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014, Net Profit, Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.21: Verizon Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.22: Verizon's M2M Solutions Table 8.23: Orange Overview 2015 (Total Revenue2014, Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.24: Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.26: Orange M2M Core Offerings Table 8.27: Orange M2M Use Cases Table 8.28: Sprint Corporation Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014, Net Profit, Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.29: Sprint Total Revenues and Net Income 2008-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.31: Sprint M2M Solutions and Leading Verticals Table 8.32: Kore Telematics Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014 $b, Total M2M Subscriptions M, Global M2M Subscriptions Share %, Employees, CEO, HQ, Website) Table 8.33: KORE Telematics M2M Connectivity Services Table 8.34: NTT DoCoMo Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014 $b, Net Profit, Total Employees, CE O, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.35: DoCoMo Total Revenues and Net Income 2009-2014 (Revenues in $b & AGR %) Table 8.37: NTT DoCoMo M2M Offerings Table 8.38: Telecom Italia SpA Telecommunications Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014 $b, Net Profit, Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.39: Telecom Italia SpA Telecommunications Total Revenues and Net Income 2009-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Chart 8.40: Telecom Italia SpA Total Revenues and Net Income 2009-2014 (Revenues in $b and AGR %) Table 8.43: SIMCom M2M Use Cases Table 8.44: Numerex Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue 2014 m, Net Profit m, , Total Employees, CEO, HQ, Ticker and, Website) Table 8.45 iMetrik M2M Services Table 8.46 iMetrik -PROTECT Table 8.47: IBM Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.49: IBM Adept Performance Management Solution Focus Areas Table 8.50: GE Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, , Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.51: Microsoft Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.53: Windows Embedded Product Portfolio Table 8.54: Google Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.55: Apple Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.56: Cisco Company Overview 2015 (Total Revenue, Revenue from Internet of Things, % Revenue From Internet of Things, Global Market Share %, HQ, Ticker, Contact, Website) Table 8.57: Other Leading Companies in the M2M Market 2015 (Company, Product /service) ------------------------------------------------------------ |
List of Figures Figure 1.1: Internet of Things Market Segmentation Figure 2.2: IoT Value Chain Figure 8.48: IBM MessageSight System Figure 8.52: Microsoft Azure Intelligent Systems ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Companies Mentioned in this report 7 Layers Adept Enterprise Solutions Aeris Communications Aeroscout AFrame Digital Alcatel-Lucent Alien Technology America Movil Apple Inc Arkessa Arrayent Arrow Electronics AT&T Atos Origin SA Audi Augusta Systems AVIDwireless Axeda Berkeley Varitronics Systems Best Buy Boston Dynamics CalAmp CETECOM China Mobile China Mobile Internet of Things Ltd Cinterion Cisco Systems Claro Americas Clearconnex Coca-Cola Comtrol Connect One Connected Development Coronis CrossBridge Solutions DataOnline DataRemote DeepMind Deutsche Telekom Digi International DigiCore Drive.Cam Dust Networks Echelon eDevice EE EE (Everything Everywhere) ei3 Ember Enfora Ericsson Esprida Etisalat Eurotech Exosite Feeney Wireless Ford Motor Company Fusion Wireless Gemalto General Electrics (GE) General Motors Globalstar Goog le Honeywell International Huawei Hughes Telematics IBM ILS Technology iMETRIK iMetrik Solutions Inilex Inmarsat Intel Iridium Communications Itron IWOW Janus Remote Communications Jasper Technologies Jasper Wireless Inc Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) KORE Telematics KPN Laird Technologies Lantronix Lenovo LG M2M Air M2M Communications M2M DataSmart Marvell MEMSIC Micro Technologies Microchip Technology Microsoft Millenial Net Mobilkom Australia Mocana Morey Motorola MOXA NeoWay Nest Labs Nokia solutions & Networks Norwest Venture Partners Novatel Wireless Inc. nPhase NTT DOCOMO Numerex Omnilink Systems OnStar Optus Business Oracle Orange Business Services (OBS) Orange SA ORBCOMM Palantiri Systems Panasonic Pedigree Technologies Perle Systems Post Luxembourg Group Precidia Technologies Qualco mm Quecklink Wireless Solutions Quectel Red Bend Software RF Code Inc. RF Monolithics Rogers Communications RRE Sagemcom Savi Technology SENA Technologies SensorLogic Sierra Wireless Inc. Sigma Designs SIM Technology Group LTD SIMCom Wireless Solutions Singtel Sixnet SkyTel Sony Sprint Corporation Swisscom Synchronoss Technologies Tech Mahindra Ltd Telcel Telecom Italia Telefonica S.A Telefonica UK Telekom Austria Telenor ASA Telenor Connexion Telenor Objects TeliaSonera Telit Communications Telit Wireless Telstra Telular TELUS Mobility Tendril Networks Texas Instruments ThingMagic TIM TMData T-Mobile Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Top Global Tridium Trimble Tyntec ublox u-Blox V2COM Verizon Communications Vimpelcom Vivo Vodafone Group Plc Volkswagen Walsh Wireless WebTech Wireless Wilson Electronics Wipro Wyless Group Xact Technology Xata ZTE Other Organisations Mentioned in this Report Brazilian telecommunications regulator Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel) DECC EU Casagras Global M2M Association (GMA) MIT OECD Technology Association of Georgia The Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) of the U.S The Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) and the Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan The China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) of the U.S. The Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) of Korea ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Pricing Single User License: Single user copies of this report are available for GBP1099 Departmental License: Entitles up to 5 individual users to access this report for GBP2999 (Not suitable for library usage) Site License: Allow your company to have access to this report at one location for GBP4999 (Suitable for library storage and use) Global License: Have your whole company worldwide to access this information for GBP6999 ------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ordering All you need to do to order this report is to contact Lorenzo Tacchio on: Telephone: +44(0)207 549 9952 or email: lorenzo.tacchio@vgtelecoms.com And provide the following information: Report Title: Report License (Single User/Departmental/Site/Global): Name: User Email: Job Title: Company: Invoice Address: Telephone and Fax number: EEC VAT Number (only for E.U.): Please contact me should you have any questions or wish to receive an executive summary of this report. I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, Lorenzo Tacchio Telecoms Industry Consultant |
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